Hot news, Grinding Gear Games announced that Path of Exile 2 will be postponed to 2024. Preview is an important factor in the marketing of the game industry. It increases the popularity of upcoming games. In terms of content, players can take their path of exile 1 player into 2. The sequel expansion is another way of exploration. Players need to explore new areas and new rules.

Another new thing that the game will have is Ascendencies. The current game content of the Path of Exile game will be replaced with new ones. New era, new danger, new POE trade economy, so it is fair to have new class progress.

The development of Path of Exile 2 was officially announced in Exile-Con, a conference dedicated to plans for the game. However, there is no date for the announcement. This is also implying players, announcements, not promises.

As for the original exiles, they are just considered to have become god-like beings. The new upgrade will bring about changes in content. For cool-headed fans, this is also understandable. It is difficult to make a game. It will be more difficult to make a great game.

The postponement of Path of Exile 2 will give GGG enough breathing space to make sure they have the people they need. In turn, this means that the game will have the quality it deserves. Delay will also be an opportunity. Players should cherish the unupgraded path of exile. Go to to prepare before the war and win the victory. For future updates, only time will answer.