How to better maintain the flannel?

Clean the flannel first: the flannel fabric contains wool, although most of it is processed after shrinking, when washing, you still need to pay attention to prevent shrinking. It is better to use warm or cold water for scrubbing. Hot water should not be used, as hot water will shorten and harden the wool. A good way to wash your hands is to wash your hands to reduce damage to the fabric.

Use flannel as the detergent to be neutral, and cannot use bleaching agent. As a chlorine-containing bleaching agent, it will damage the fabric material and cause the fabric to turn yellow. The correct way is to dissolve the neutral lotion in warm water, soak the flannel for a few minutes, rub your gentle hands in the water, do not use a brush, it will damage the fluff of the fabric and cause the fluff to fall off. After washing, rinse with clean water and dry in a ventilated place after dehydration.

In order not to damage the characteristics of the fabric, do not use hot water to clean it with cold or warm water. Use a neutral detergent instead of bleach. The best way is to wash it by hand. When washing clothes, pay attention to these points to maintain the durability of the flannel.

Changshu Jishun Textile Co.,Ltd. is a Flannel Fleece Fabric Factory and a Coral Fleece Fabric Factory. We provide customers with high-quality products and services. Welcome to visit the official website.