Securing websites are indispensable these days. So to make web applications secure, there are many tools which are used for scanning and finding out vulnerabilities of applications. So here you will see an easy way to run web penetration using ZAP (zed attack proxy).

What is OWASP ZAP?

OWASP (Open web application security project) is a vendor neutral, non-profitable organization dedicated to improving the security of web applications. ZAP is open source and one of the most popular security testing tools for web applications which is used to perform penetration testing and It belongs to the OWASP community so it’s totally free. It assists testers to detect any security vulnerabilities in websites.

Advantages of ZAP

  • Zap (Zed attack proxy ) is a java based tool that enables testers to perform fuzzing , writing scripts for it, spidering and proxying to attack web applications.
  • Zap is platform independent that means It can be used across all operating systems (Windows, Linux, Mac).
  • Zap is an open source and free tool to use.
  • After completion of testing it can generate Reports also.
  • We can reuse the zap session for avoiding re-coding the whole process again on functional changes.

ZAP Workflow

At first zap creates a proxy server and makes website traffic go through the server. The auto scanner in zap helps you to prevent the vulnerabilities in the web application. To understand the workflow of zap GO through with following flowchart.