Software quality assurance (SQA) confirms that all software engineering activities, processes, and work items are controlled and meet defined standards. Standards can be simple or a combination of ISO 9000, Model CMMI, ISO15504, etc.

It is defined as ensuring the quality of services or software products that an organization provides to customers. Software Quality Assurance believes in growing the software development process and delivering it efficiently and effectively in accordance with the quality standards defined for software products. It is popularly known as a quality control test.

What includes in Quality Assurance?


The phase-in Quality Assurance consists of:

  • Plan
  • Do
  • Check
  • Act

The previous steps are repeated to ensure that the processes followed in the organization are periodically estimated and improved. Let's take a look at some stages of the quality assurance process:

Plan: The organization must prepare and practice process-related objectives and manage the processes necessary to deliver a high-quality end product.

Do: Develop and test processes, and also "make" changes to processes.

Check - Monitor the process, modify the techniques and verify if it meets the predetermined objectives.

Take Action - A quality assurance evaluator must implement the necessary actions to achieve process improvements.

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