If a user is unable to open the setup wizard of his Amped router on the computer after typing setup.ampedwireless.com on the address bar of the browser, the first thing you need to check is whether your computer is even connected to your router’s network or not. If your computer is not connected to your router’s network, disconnect all the current devices connected to your router then reconnect it to your computer. Make sure you reboot your amped router before connecting it to your computer.

No user is having any authority to access the setup.amepdwireless.com window without going through the Amped router login window. You have to apply login credentials on their respective fields of the setup.ampedwireless.com login window to interact with the main web page of the Amped router. A user can also keep the default password as the login password of the login window, you can do so by skipping the admin password step during the setup process of your Amped router.