A prior blog defined gin, reviewed its origins, and discussed its recent popularity surge.  

Let’s now look at the different gin types and the best ways in which to enjoy them.
There are six common gin types:

  1. London Dry:  this is the gin standard – the bartender’s gin preference – the one most see regularly and recognize.  It balances juniper, citrus, and floral flavors during distillation process rounds.   The ideal gin for the gin classics: martini and gin & tonic.  Martini’s vermouth flawlessly accompanies gin’s floral flavors.    
  2. Genever:  this is the version first distilled for medicinal purposes and the one first used in traditional 1800s  cocktails.  Genever comes in two styles:  1) oude or old, which is a bit sweet and rich; and, 2) jonge or young, which is softer and less sweet.    Enjoy either style straight, on “the rocks,” with either a twist of lemon or lime.  
  3. Old Tom:  slightly sweeter than London dry, but drier and more concentrated than Genever.  Best in, well, a Tom Collins. The lemon peel adds fragrance and taste.  
  4. Navy Strength:  at nearly 60% alcohol by volume, this gin delivers quite a wallop.  Experts believe its name derives from an 18th century law requiring gin on every British Navy ship.   It’s clean and snappy with citrus notes.  Perfect for fragrant cocktails like negroni or a very dry martini.
  5. Plymouth:  only the Black Friars Distillery, located in, you guessed it – Plymouth, produces this gin.  It’s simple and has lots of botanical and fruit notes.   Drink slightly chilled with a simple garnish, such as angelica root, orange, or coriander.  
  6. New Western Dry Martini or New American Gin:  this is the latest style - distillers only introduced it this century.  Distillers downplayed the juniper and used botanicals and other flavors during production.   Research each gin’s unique flavors and use them to your favor.  For example, G-Vine uses grape, so a cocktail that utilizes sweet flavors such a mojito or June Sour tastes great.  


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