According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 52 million people in the United States are affected by arthritis. Arthritis is defined as the painful inflammation of one or more joints. This inflammation prevents bones from moving freely at the joint, resulting in pain and stiffness in the affected joints. When left untreated, arthritis inflammation can progress to the point of causing bone erosion and joint deformity.

Some types of arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis, can affect any joint in the body. These conditions can be difficult to treat because they cause widespread pain in multiple areas of the body that are difficult to reach in a single treatment – for example, pain may strike in your neck, elbow, and ankle at the same time, causing pain throughout your entire body. Many people who suffer from this debilitating condition attempt to alleviate their symptoms through medication, exercise, rest, heat, and even surgery.



The Benefits of Drinking Water for Arthritis Pain

Hydrotherapy is prescribed by doctors to alleviate the pain and stiffness associated with arthritis. Hydrotherapy is the application of water as a medical treatment. While prescription hydrotherapy frequently includes exercise, the temperature Massage Tubs of the water and the whirlpool action of jetted tubs are the most important components of effective hydrotherapy. The goal of hydrotherapy is to help arthritic joints move more smoothly and painlessly.

The hot water temperature of hydrotherapy promotes muscle relaxation, relieves pain, eases joint movement, and allows you to exercise more freely. Water also helps to support the weight of the body, which relieves unnecessary stress on tired bones and joints.

Regular hydrotherapy treatment improves outcomes by reducing pain and inflammation. The most significant challenge with hydrotherapy is that many patients live hundreds of miles away from a hospital or clinic that provides this effective treatment, making it impossible for them to participate in hydrotherapy on a regular basis. Fortunately, patients can now have jetted tubs and whirlpool baths installed in their homes, allowing them to reap the benefits of hydrotherapy on a regular basis without having to go through the hassles of visiting a clinic.

The water action of jetted tubs and whirlpool baths, which is similar to the hydrotherapy offered in hospitals and clinics, helps to relax muscles that have become sore as a result of the exertion of moving bones across swollen, dysfunctional joints. The hot water and pulsating water motion of jetted Apron Massage Bathtubs and whirlpool baths provide overall body conditioning by stimulating circulation and bringing oxygen-rich blood to the affected joints. The therapeutic action of these tubs can also help to strengthen the immune system, which can improve overall health and well-being.

Baths can also improve the mood of people suffering from arthritis, as the warm water soothes away pain and stress. People who are happier have a greater tendency to exercise more and to participate in other therapies that can help to reduce the pain and inflammation associated with arthritis.

If you or someone you care about suffers from arthritis, you can use the power of hot, pulsating water to relieve pain and stiffness in arthritic joints.