Know About the Different Distinctions in Pho Bo
Pho Bo and Pho Ga are the two globally famous Pho options you can find at any restaurant that serves local pho in Tampa, Florida. Pho is the national food of Vietnam, and it is one of the most famous Vietnamese dishes globally. It is because of the delicious taste and many health benefits. There are many types of pho, but Pho Bo and Pho Ga are the most preferred among the people.
Pho Bo is the rice noodle beef soup, and Pho Ga is the rice noodle chicken soup. Pho Bo is the most popular Pho in Florida because Americans love beef. If you wish to have the fantastic pho beef noodle soup in Tampa, Florida, you need to know the distinction between different Pho Bo options available on the menu. Pho Bo is usually classified into two categories. The first category is based on beef toppings, and the second is based on the region.
Pho Bo based on toppings
Vietnamese love garnishing and topping their pho with fresh herbs, meat, and vegetables every day. Pho Bo can also be differentiated based on the toppings. Some of the famous types of Pho Bo are mentioned below-
- Pho Chin or Pho Nam is a famous pho beef noodle soup in Tampa, Florida. Tender beef meat is used for making Pho Chin, and it also includes beef brisket and flank. Many people refer it to as beef brisket pho or beef flank pho.
- Pho Tai Lan is another famous Pho Bo that can be distinguished by the fried thins slices and chunks of aromatic and delicious beef.
- The striking feature of Pho Tai is that you can find chunks of raw beef in the broth. The hot and simmering broth slowly cooks the beef chunks but not completely.
- Pho Bo Sot Vang is a beef stew with tender meat and a distinct taste. People love the sweet and savoryflavor.
Pho Bo based on regions
Pho was invented in Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, which is located in North Vietnam. You can find tons of changes in the dish when you move from north to south. One can also choose from the northern and southern pho. Some of the distinctions between northern and southern Vietnamese pho are mentioned below-
- The pho broth from northern Vietnam is in light golden hue color, whereas the pho broth from southern Vietnam is darker.
- Pho is never served with hoisin sauce and veg platter in northern Vietnam, whereas it is served with hoisin sauce, veg platter, and bean sprouts in southern Vietnam.
You can choose from many types of local pho in Tampa, Florida, at an authentic Vietnamese restaurant. There are many other variations of Pho Bo, but if you are a beginner, it is safe to try the popular Pho Bo dishes.
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