Twitter is one of the most famous social media platforms with millions of active monthly users. Its users follow the platform to get updates about what is happening around the world, the trending discussions taking place via hashtag, the opinions that people share, know the activities of the brands they follow, and even buy products from their favorite brands. 


So, when you know that the micro-blogging platform has a substantial impact and impacts the behavior of the users, why not use it to your benefit and maximize your event opportunities?


By showcasing an aggregated and optimally moderated Twitter feed on your digital screens. 


Alluring the attention of your event attendees is indeed the biggest challenge that the organizers come across, here showing a live Twitter feed can change the game in more ways than you can fathom. 


To know why and how you can successfully do it, make your way to the end of the blog. 


Why You Should Display A Moderated Live Twitter Feed In Events?


  1. Engages The Audience 


Keeping the audience hooked in an event setting is a tedious task, blame it on the dynamism that it brings in. Here, opting for a potent strategy is rather important. 


By displaying an aggregated and moderated Twitter feed, you can easily fetch the attention of your audience as they will be hooked to know what the attendees of your event and other followers have to say about the event. 


It is a promising way to inspire the spectators to create content and post it on their Twitter handle to get featured on the digital screens installed at the event. It keeps them excited and moving. 


  1. Boost Your Reach 

Social media platforms provide ample opportunities to connect to people without any geographical restrictions. 


By showcasing your moderated Twitter feed, event organizers stand a chance to get exposed to a vast audience who might get attracted and would further look forward to knowing more about the business. 


An enhanced reach can help in getting more participation from the audience in your upcoming events and give to your business altogether. 


  1. Bring People Together 


A moderated Twitter feed when displayed at live events works as a virtual campfire. People coming across it will naturally be in awe and better interact with each other. 


Thanks to the posts appearing on the moderated Twitter feed, because when people see themselves on the screen, they will get excited and will want to further create content. 


By setting up a physical display of your Twitter wall, you can turn your event into a social gathering and push more people to connect with you. 


  1. Upscale Your Business


With better reach, audience participation, and excitement levels being on the top, the event organizers can easily scale up their business. 


It will not only ensure the success of your ongoing event but also will increase the interest of the people to join you in your upcoming events. In fact, they might end up following you on your social media handle and keep a track of the schedule updates that you share, and also spread the word authentically amongst their friends and family. 


How Can You Successfully Moderate A Live Twitter Feed?


Managing those thousands of Tweets that people share tagging you is rather a difficult task, it keeps the organizers on their toes.  


Moreover, not all the content generated on the platform by the use of hashtags, mentions, and tags is going to be relevant for the brand, which is the bigger part of the problem. Here, using social media aggregators can prove to be a powerful strategy. As they can not only save time and cost but also maximize the content generated. 


Taggbox Display is a promising tool to help you aggregate, moderate, and customize all the content generated on Twitter effortlessly. 


All that you need to do is:

  • Sign up on Taggbox Display
  • Create a Twitter Wall by giving it an engaging name and choosing the source from which you need to aggregate content, like, hashtag, handle, mention, etc. 
  • You will see all the posts aggregated from the source. 
  • Next, you can eliminate the content that is not relevant to your brand by leveraging its robust moderation panel.
  • After you have filtered out all the irrelevant posts, next you can customize the look of your wall. 
  • Choose from it 11+ high-end themes, layouts, backgrounds, etc., to make your feed look to be in line with your brand’s aesthetics and engaging. 
  • Your Twitter feed is ready to the attention of your attendees. 


But, this isn’t all! With Taggbox Display, you can also monitor the performance of your Wall and run chances as required. 


Being a promising UGC and social wall platform, it can potentially help you attract, engage and convert your users while locking the success of your event seamlessly. 

Over To You


Displaying a live moderated Twitter feed is a robust strategy to allure the attention of your audience while providing them with an experience of their lifetime. 


Incorporating smart strategies is indeed essential to make your audience want to come back for more with Taggbox display you can potentially unlock the power of social media platforms and cut an edge by staying ahead in the game.