Treponema pallidum causes syphilis, a systemic illness. Based on clinical data, the condition has been classified into phases, which will aid in therapy and follow-up.


Syphilis patients may seek therapy for the signs and symptoms of primary syphilis infection (i.e., ulcers or chancres at the infection site), secondary syphilis (i.e., skin rash, mucocutaneous lesions, and lymphadenopathy), or tertiary syphilis (i.e., skin rash, mucocutaneous lesions, and lymphadenopathy) (i.e., cardiac, gummatous lesions, tabes dorsalis, and general paresis)


Let's find out more about syphilis tests Singapore and the treatments related to the same.


What exactly is syphilis?


Once upon a time, syphilis was a serious public health concern, unlike ingrown toenail treatment. It can lead to long-term complications like arthritis, brain damage, and blindness. Until the late 1940s, when the antibiotic penicillin was discovered, there was no effective therapy.


Syphilis is a severe infection spread between people through sexual contact. It is brought on by a bacterium (germ). Touching the blood or sores of a syphilis patient, particularly those on the person's mouth, penis, vagina, or anus, might cause syphilis (the opening to the rectum).


How can you know if you have syphilis?


If you suspect you have syphilis, then go for syphilis tests Singapore. Make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible. They'll collect a blood sample and perform a complete physical examination to run tests. If you have a sore, your doctor may take an example from it to see if the bacterium that causes syphilis is present.


If your doctor believes tertiary syphilis is causing nervous system issues, you may require a lumbar puncture, often known as a spinal tap. Spinal fluid is taken during this operation so that your doctor may screen for syphilis germs. Your doctor may test you for syphilis if you're pregnant since the bacterium might be present in your body without you realizing it.


What Tests can You Go Through?


Syphilis is diagnosed by analyzing samples like ingrown toenail treatment of the following:


  • Blood: Antibodies produced by the body to combat infection can be confirmed by blood testing. Because antibodies to the bacterium that causes syphilis can stay in your body for years, the test can be used to identify whether you have a current or previous infection.


  • Cerebrospinal fluid: It is the fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. If your doctor suspects you have syphilis-related nervous system problems, they may recommend a lumbar puncture to get a sample of cerebrospinal fluid (spinal tap).


Your local health department may provide partner services via the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which will assist you in notifying your sexual partners that they may be pregnant.


What is the treatment for syphilis?


Antibiotics, most often penicillin, are used to treat syphilis and for post-exposure prophylaxis HIV treatment. Even if the chancre or rash disappears, you must continue the antibiotic course. It's critical to call anybody with whom you've had sex in the previous two years and inform them that they should get tested.


After you've finished a course of syphilis treatment, your healthcare practitioner will test your blood to make sure the infection is gone. If you have an elevated risk of syphilis, make sure to practice safe sex and get tested regularly.


How can I reduce my risks of contracting syphilis?


The only method to avoid contracting syphilis is to avoid having sex. If you are sexually dynamic, perpetually use a condom or dental dam during sex to decrease your chance of contracting the illness. To decrease your possibility of getting the disease, get sure you wear a condom correctly.


Syphilis treatment during pregnancy


Antibiotics can be used safely to treat syphilis and post exposure prophylaxis HIV treatment in pregnant women. The type of therapy you'll require is determined by how long you've had syphilis and how far along you are in your pregnancy. Pregnant women with syphilis for less than two years are generally given a penicillin injection in the buttocks (if treated during the first or second trimester). Pregnant women with syphilis for more than two years are usually treated with three weekly penicillin injections into the buttocks. If you are unable to take penicillin, a brief course of antibiotic pills may be required.


In the End


It's advisable to avoid sex until you've spoken with your doctor if you suspect you have syphilis. If you participate in sexual activity before visiting your doctor, make sure you use safe sex practices like condoms.