It’s a matter of picking the lesser of two evils here. If I had to choose one, I’d say putting non-recyclables in the recycling is worse.

When you put things in your recycling bin that shouldn’t be there, you’re causing a few problems:

You’re making it harder to sort out the recyclables. With single stream recycling, all non-recyclable materials need to be sorted out ahead of time.
You could contaminate recyclables, turning them into trash. Anything with food waste on it can’t be recycled. waste tyre recycling plant price
You could ruin the recycling facility equipment. Things like plastic bags cause delays at Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs).
The first step toward preventing this from happening in the future is education. Many people are still unaware of what can and what can’t be recycled. Here’s a short list from Recycle Nation of the most common items that end up in recycling bins, but shouldn’t:

Plastic straws
Plastic bags
Contaminated food takeout containers (including greasy pizza boxes)
Disposable coffee cups
Always choose to recycle when you can. It’s one way you can lessen your impact on the environment.