Throughout the hiring process, preparation and expertise are essential since they allow you to demonstrate your capacity to successfully fill the position you're seeking for. Before your interview, do some research on the company to obtain a better grasp of the employer's expectations and to prepare successful replies to interview questions.


Here are tips for researching companies before a job interview or for a video interview practice.


  1. Visit the Company Website-You should, of course, go to the company's website.Don't stop at the home page, though. If they have one, read the press section and the staff profile page to see if you can discover anything about the persons you're interviewing.

Also, look past the surface and become familiar with their answers. This will assist you in establishing your position throughout the interview.

Pay attention to what's provided and how it's presented while you browse the website. What are some of the things you've discovered about the company, and what are some of the common themes you've noticed? This will assist you in becoming acquainted with their tone and culture, as well as how they sell themselves to potential clients.


  1. Browse Social Media - The majority of businesses are aware of the power and significance of social media. Practically every company has a presence on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. You may look at how the company promotes itself on social media—and, more crucially, how it interacts with the public.

    Do they have a large number of followers and do they interact with them? If that's the case, how do they get involved? Is it witty, caustic, or solemn? What's the vibe of the social media posts as a whole? What do they talk about on social media? Do they provide you access to the company's inner workings?

  2. Leverage LinkedIn - LinkedIn company profiles are a quick and easy method to learn more about a company you're interested in. You'll be able to see your company connections, new hires, promotions, jobs that have been listed, linked firms, and corporate statistics. Consider reaching out to the company's contacts if you have any.They may not only put in a good word for you, but they may also share their thoughts about the organisation and offer you advice to assist you pass the interview.

Examine your interviewer's LinkedIn profile for more information about their profession and background. Look for any commonalities between you and your partner.


  1. Use Google and Google News - Look up the firm name on Google and Google News. This can be quite beneficial. You might learn, for example, that the company is growing into Asia or that it has got a round of seed capital.

    Alternatively, you may discover that a recent product failed to meet expectations and had to be recalled. This information can aid in the development of your responses to interview questions.

  2. Get to Know the Industry and Competitors - In addition to investigating the firm, it's a good idea to look into the industry as a whole. It's beneficial to be aware on current homeownership patterns if you're interviewing for a job with a mortgage firm, for example.

    Learn about the company's main competitors and their strengths and weaknesses. Interviewers will be impressed if you have knowledge of the company's industry and competitors.


After understanding how to research the company, here are a few things you must educate yourself about the company in detail to leave a better impression at your job interview or free mock interview online.


  1. The Mission or Vision of the company - Try to figure out how the company's mission statement relates to its services and products.

    Although not all mission statements reveal an organization's aims, if you're lucky, the company you're studying will have one. You can prepare to discuss how your abilities and personality align by researching it.

  2. The Company Culture - The purpose or vision statements frequently go hand in hand with company culture, but it can go beyond that. You'll have a better idea if you'll be pleased in the position based on the company's press coverage, social media posts, reviews, and website.

    If you can demonstrate how you'll be a strong cultural fit during the interview, you may have an advantage over other candidates.

  3. Organization’s Finances -On the company's website, look for the "investor relations" page. If the company's stock is publicly traded, listen to the company's recorded earnings calls from the previous quarters and review its financial statements.

    You may need to go a little deeper during your interview if it isn't listed on a stock market or doesn't have a page for investors.It doesn’t hurt to delicately ask about company performance and general trajectory. It shows that you’re looking for more than a job and care about the big picture.