It’s been an ultimate desire to look beautiful and being attractive to most people around the globe. Everyone wants to keep their skin glowing, shiny and nourished but within time our skin gets deficient in hyaluronic acid produced naturally by the human body.

But don't get too worried about these signs of ageing as, Dr Ram having years of experience in Aesthetic medicine, can detail your treatment plan specific to your needs, providing a promising cosmetic experience by preserving your natural-looking face and enhancing your natural beauty.

But have you ever thought about how it works? 

Dermal filler works by boosting the supply of hyaluronic acid which revitalize and add volume to the skin instantly decreasing the appearance of the lines and wrinkles and giving you the natural look, you desire. 

But is it as appealing and healthy as it sounds or it can be a nightmare in your option for Facial Rejuvenation?

Treating wrinkles and lines may drive you to go for facial rejuvenation as its widely accepted aid amongst all who seek elegance in looks but due to their minimally invasive nature, the rise in this popularity has been raised globally irrespective of the fact that there might be a possibility of risk and side effects which can't be ignored solely.

However, complications may be minor and fleeting at the same time they can be major which are most rare and less likely to happen. But they can create permanent defacing damage, let's have a look at what complications you are likely to experience on going with dermal fillers and how can you prevent them.



  • Initial outbreak: - These are the complications that are visible within the first two weeks after the treatment. It may include-


  • Bruising and swelling: -Although minor complications like bruising and swelling can be restricted. By adopting suitable techniques like selecting the appropriate filler also one can practice a method by pulling your skin-tight in a well-illuminated area, this will help you further. 


  • After the session, the patient should apply an ice pack for 15-20 minutes and the patient have to be very careful before taking out any blood thinner as it may increase the chance of having bruises. 


  • Nodules: -Not every patient can handle the fillers easily as their body reacts differently to various kinds of fillers, however, your physician should be worried about the red, painful or sensitive nodules which can be a strong sign of you having a bacterial infection and this should be treated as soon as possible. If it is found to be unstable patient is suggested to be re-checked under 48 hours and should be placed on empiric oral antibiotics to treat the nodules.


  • Vascular Compromise: -This can be regarded as the scariest initial complications a patient can ever experience. This is caused when the dermal filler is either injected into an artery or around an artery to the point that the blood flow is reduced or completely stopped. Resulting in the tissues of that particular area starts dying due to the interrupted supply of blood to the vessels. Acknowledgement is the only key to a favourable outcome after having these complications.



Although dermal fillers may help you minimize your signs of ageing you can't deny the complications associate with them. By taking necessary measures as follows you can prevent it from getting worse.


  • Pre-filler planning: - Pre-treatment planning is the most crucial part of your treatment, if you don't want to bear a lot of pain and loves your skin natural anatomy, determining the facial anatomy and the specific characteristics of each filler that suits you best, this job is necessarily required by your physician to prevent the complications before.


  • Anatomy: - Everybody has their depth of skin varies from age group which can affect the chance of vascular compromise as we discussed earlier if not examined before the treatment thoroughly.


  • Patient Expectations: - Always be clear in your mind that what are you expecting from the treatment you have chosen and also feel free and important to consult your goal with your physician because it will lead you to unpleasant results and also increased the chance of getting things complicated.


  • Informed Consent: - You should discuss all the concerns with the physician during the consultation and at the time of signing written consent (before treatment).


  • Pre-operative screening: -Patient should be screened thoroughly for any medical condition which can affect the application of filler.


As you age, your skin starts to lose moisture, volume, and elasticity & face starts to thin out, resulting in hollow cheeks and facial folds. Dermal fillers are injectable treatments that are practised exclusively by the experts in dermal filler clinic isle of man that you should opt for!        



Dermal Fillers: How it works and its complications & preventions

Dr Ram Aesthetic