IUI Cost in Ukraine at Surrogate Mother Ukraine clinic ranges from USD 500 to USD 2500 depending on the several factors:

  1. Primary IUI cost: The primary IUI Cost in Ukraine includes washing a male partner's sperm, sperm preparation in the laboratory, and insemination of the sperm into a woman's uterus that will cost around a few hundred dollars only.
  2. Medication cost: Medications like Clomid will increase the IUI Cost in Ukraine, but people can find its generic versions easily available in the market at a reasonable cost. The cost of Clomid medicine ranges from USD 10 to USD 100 depending upon the dosage couple's required. If couples need injectable medications, then they are more expensive than Clomid medicine.
  3. Extra tests: Couples need to undergo an ultrasound scan and blood tests, adding a few hundred dollars to the primary IUI Cost in Ukraine. Some tests in IUI treatment are routine ones, and couples can get it done from outside the realm of fertility treatments. These tests can be covered under insurance providers even if the IUI treatment is not covered.
  4. Number of IUI cycles: IUI is a procedure in which the couples get charged per cycle, which means the more IUI cycle they use to achieve the successful outcome, the more IUI cost in Ukraine they need to pay. The most important part that affects the IUI treatment is women's age. If women under 35 planning for IUI treatment, then the chances of successful conception are around 40-50%; however, the chances of conception for women above 35 will drastically dip down to 20-30%. If couples have three failed IUI cycles, then the fertility experts at Surrogate Mother in Ukraine will recommend IVF treatment for better results.

How does the IUI procedure work?

When people think of fertility treatment, then IUI treatment Cost in ukraine is the first option that comes in their mind because it is one of the most appropriate fertility treatments, especially for women below 35. It is a procedure in which the fertility experts at Surrogate Mother Ukraine will collect and wash the male partner or donor sperm during the woman's ovulation period. After this, the expert will directly inject sperm into the woman's uterus using a fine thin tube called a catheter. It is a painless procedure. IUI is the best procedure for those couples where the male partner deals with sperm motility issues or low sperm counts.

IUI is a very simple and straight procedure of assisted reproduction technology. Some fertility experts prefer to follow the woman's natural monthly cycle and accordingly plan their insemination on the day when she ovulates, which ovulation predictors determine.

In some cases, fertility experts prefer to take the more aggressive action to control ovulation and recommend Clomid or another fertility drug that makes a woman ovulate. The experts will perform this method with the proper guidance using an ultrasound and blood tests to monitor the woman's ovaries development.

Why people choose the Surrogate Mother Ukraine clinic for ART procedures?

The following are the factors that are the point of attraction due to which the people choose Surrogate Mother Ukraine clinic for ART procedures, and these are:  

  1. Treatment cost: Surrogate Mother Ukraine is a clinic that offers the reasonable cost for ART procedures that helps couple in conceiving a baby. This clinic offers reasonable cost as medical staff did a survey where they found that more than half of the population is dealing with the causes of infertility issues. They cannot afford such expensive treatments. Keeping the emotions of each individual in their mind, they plan to charge a nominal cost for ART procedures in Ukraine.
  2. Use of latest & advanced technologies: Surrogate Mother Ukraine is a clinic where medical professionals use the latest & advanced technologies to treat all types of infertility issues and help couples to enjoy their parenthood with their babies.   
  3. Top medical professionals: Surrogate Mother Ukraine is a clinic that hires the top & qualified medical professionals worldwide who have 15+ years of experience treating routine and complex infertility cases and providing the best solution to all couples looking to have their babies.
  4. Success Rate: The success rates for taking babies home from the Surrogate Mother Ukraine clinic is quite high compared to other fertility clinics. To date, this clinic has delivered more than 2000 IUI healthy and disease-free babies.
  5. Services offered: Surrogate Mother Ukraine is a fertility clinic that offers various services such as 24/7 complete personal & medical care, counseling, transparency in the treatment, maintenance of all relevant treatment documents, etc. At this clinic, people will get a comfortable & pleasant stay, which is very important to have successful fertility treatment results, which will keep them relaxed and cool during their journey.