This is healthy your weekly update on what's going on in the health wellness and medical world with monica robbins hey everyone thanks so much for tuning in to health yeah your prescription for clear concise easy to understand medical health and wellness information i'm monica robbins so have you tried cbd yet do you even know what it is well cbd is a chemical found in marijuana that doesn't contain thc you know the stuff that gets you high it's sold in various hemp cream   creams to liquids to gummies and it's also a billion dollar business and only expected to grow as more states approve the use of marijuana and its derivatives cbd is being studied.

Hemp Cream and Cbd Oil For Our Body

As a treatment for a wide range of conditions including parkinson's disease schizophrenia diabetes multiple sclerosis and anxiety but how is it you can go into just your normal store down the corner and buy some over the counter well today's episode is you can now figure out is all about cbd what you need to know and how a local business is doing more than just cashing in on the craze joining me is meredith farrow ceo of clean remedies based in avon ohio meredith thanks so much for being here thank you for having me monica all right let's start with the simple question everybody wants to know what is cbd cbd is a cannabinoid and scientists have found that there's about 150 cannabinoids cbd and thc are the most well-known cannabinoids or the buzzwords but there are many other cannabinoids and they all have a function or purpose.

Medicinal Benefits of Cannabis and Hemp Cream

I kind of like to um refer to them as vitamins per se because it's almost easier to understand it that you know you have different kinds of vitamins vitamin a b c d and that's like the cannabinoids there's many different forms of cannabinoids but cbd is one of them and it's it's stands for cannabidiol and cbd typically comes from the hemp plant and not the marijuana plant so that's a big difference often get confused because they hear anything relating to marijuana they automatically think it gets you high can you kind of explain the difference yeah so cbd does not get you high marijuana typically produces high thc level and low cbd and hemp does the exact opposite.

Hemp Cream Will  Help Relax Your Muscles

It produces high cbd and low thc so uh we only get our cbd from the hemp plant we do not even touch the marijuana plant and all of our products that are manufactured here at clean remedies only come from the hemp plant so explain the difference because i always thought that hemp comes from marijuana is it not the same thing nope it is not the same thing so hemp is the sister plant the marijuana plant and so you could almost think of it as like a brother-sister  plant and uh if you're looking to you know get the head high be zoned out on your couch get the munchies slimming gel you definitely want to consume marijuana or thc heavy products if you are looking just to have some relaxation maybe have some discomfort