Do you know that switches are an electronic components? You may consider it an electric item instead of an electronic component. We are surrounded by various electronic components. They are discovered to make our life easier. One of the best things about them is that if they are not working you can replace them. You can buy electronic components in Australia or your country online. An electronic component is a physical entity of an electronic system. One electronic component is connected with others through leads to create an electrical circuit for a particular function. Let’s find out some common electronic components.


Switches are one of the most basic electrical components used by electrical engineers to give electrical signal to electronics like fans, lights, ACs, and so on. The electronic market offers various types of switches. Toggle switches work by connecting and disengaging two pieces of metal within the switch. Push-button switches are mainly found in keyboards.  Selector switches can take a rest in a particular position for as long as you want. When you are in search of switches, keep the switch variety in mind and don’t hesitate to buy a branded one. Your switch should be durable enough and must be safe to use.


You may have seen the electronic component, but never try to reach its depth. It is a diode that is a semiconductor device that allows the current to flow in one direction by blocking the current in the opposite direction. Several varieties of diodes are available. Zener diode allows current to flow in the reverse direction. The light-emitting diode is the most common variety and the cheapest of all. A constant current diode is another variety to regulate the voltage.


The resistor is also a common electrical component. It is tiny in size but plays an important role in regulating the flow of the current. The resistor is further divided into several categories or types such as fixed resistors, variable resistors, thermistors, and varistors. The electronic component creates resistance in the flow of electric current and is commonly found in all electrical networks.  If the supply of current has stopped on an electronic device or appliance, you can check the resistor. If it has any fault, you can replace it with a new one.


It is a two-terminal electrical component to temporarily store a charge in an electric field. An electrical engineer often keeps the electrical component because it is prone to get damaged. It is used to smooth DC supplies and filtering circuits. Some common varieties in capacitors are super cap and ceramic capacitors.


How many of you know that a battery is an electronic component. A battery has two points- negative and positive. The positive side has more energy than the negative one. A battery must be branded so that it can last long. Some local batteries are worthless because they don’t provide enough power and run out in a short time. The brand always matters when it comes to the longevity of the battery. Use battery-powered electronic items carefully. When you are not using it, keep it switch off.