Writing a book is a significant undertaking, and it's one many people do with outstanding commitment and determination. But unfortunately, only a few people follow through with other needed elements like book marketing and author branding. Because the bookselling marketplace is overcrowded today, a book needs publicity and visibility to succeed. Marketing and branding are two of the things that can be most helpful in bringing success. Author branding is a type of personal PR that helps you become more respected (and trusted) by the media and public. Both of those can help sell copies of your book.

Nearly everything works better when you have a plan, and author branding is no exception. It's wise to begin by setting goals, then following through with consistent action to achieve them. Publicity experts advise you'll need to be doing things daily, weekly, and monthly to support your goals. They include steps like writing posts on your blog, being interviewed by the media, writing bylines articles to get your name out, etc. No two authors are alike, and what works best for you will be unique. But the crucial part is thinking through your plan and then taking the required steps. Your progress can be incremental.

One of the best things about personal publicity is that it is lasting. The publicity about a book happens around its launch for several weeks. But your personal PR never ends once the media sees you as a trust and valuable source of information and comments. The more you become visible and well known, the more ability you have to write new books that also will succeed. The result is a powerful public presence that will sustain you and your book writing for years to come. It's also why many businesspeople write books so they can expand their publicity and promotional opportunities.