There's news on  SoundCloud! Starting this week, it's possible to upload music from the platform's app to smartphones. The function is already available in the most current version of the app for iOS and, according to the company's promises, it should reach Android devices in the next few days.

The audio formats supported by the novelty are FLAC, WAV, ALAC, and AIFF. The new feature comes after the announcement of a $75 million investment by the SiriusXM company late last year. Since 2017, when  Kerry Trainor took over as CEO, SoundCloud began investing in new tools for mobile devices.

In addition, the creators began to receive more attention from the company,  which had come to the brink of bankruptcy. The “SoundCloud Premier” direct monetization program, new distribution, and analysis tools, and “Promotion” were introduced, which allows creators to put their music at the top of social media listeners' feeds.

SoundCloud currently has over 200 million tracks from 25 million creators in 180 countries.

If you want to store your favorite songs in your device, you can do that with