The essay section of the ACT college entrance exam essay writer requires students to compose one well-developed essay in thirty minutes. Though the prompt will vary from test to test, the ACT essay will always be a position essay, meaning students are required to assume a position on the topic at hand and write convincingly about the merit of that position using evidence and reasoning. Though writing an ACT essay will utilize many of the skills taught in high school English classes, an ACT essay differs from a typical high school essay because it must be fully executed in the span of a half hour. Most high school teachers encourage students to go through many stages of the writing process before submitting a finished essay; on the ACT, there is not that luxury of time. Therefore, the writing process must be condensed to allow for the full development of an idea within a brief time period. Below are some guidelines to follow: The prompt should be read carefully. Twice. ACT essays often present a prompt that is a paragraph or longer. It is imperative to know exactly what the prompt is asking in order to respond to all of its components. Be sure to address each aspect of the prompt. Next, use five minutes to create a sketch of an outline. The test does not allow time for a detailed plan of the report, but have an idea of the points that should be addressed and the evidence that will be presented. Though it may be tempting to forego the outline in an effort to begin writing immediately, remember that planning the article is often the most difficult and time-consuming part, and is easier to do before beginning than in the midst of composition In the first paragraph, describe the issue being addressed in the document and present a clear and specific thesis statement free essay writer. The thesis should identify the writer's position on the topic and briefly describe the three or four points that he or she will make in defending that position. Remember when composing the thesis statement that it does not need to be profound—there isn't much time for profundity on ACT essays—it just needs to be clear and take a position. The body of the document should follow the plan outlined in the thesis by devoting a paragraph to each of the three or four points mentioned in the thesis statement. Each paragraph should begin with a topic sentence that defines the point being made, and then proceed to present examples of that point and how it supports the position of the writer. The conclusion should not simply summarize the body of the document, but should comment on how the point and evidence presented in the report further or bolster the position the writer has taken. The best preparation for a timed essay test is practice. The more experience one has with fast essay preparation and execution, the easier ACT essays will be. Research Paper Help Students may require research paper help for a variety of reasons as they begin to research and write their documents. Of course, different students will require different kinds of research paper help. Some students, for example, may be excellent researchers, but may struggle to translate notebooks full of research into well-composed papers. Other students may be wonderful storytellers, but may need research paper help in order to make their documents more succinct and academically appropriate. Before students look for research papers help research paper format, they should analyze why they feel they need help. Often, a professor will tell a student who the student should seek help for a specific reason. For example, some professors may suggest that students review the first drafts of their documents with a peer or advisor in order to ensure that the student has included an appropriate amount of content and that the draft flows well. If students are getting poor grades on their documents, they may also approach their professors for guidance. Professors may suggest that the student get research papers help to perform more in-depth research or to organize their thoughts better. Sometimes, simple advice and small changes can mean the difference between a C and an A. Being proactive about seeking research paper help may also put a student into good favor with his or her professor. There are a variety of places where students can go for research papers help. For example, most educational institutions have established writing centers that are accessible to all enrolled pupils. These writing centers are often staffed by an instructor and several upper-level writing or English pupils. A student that needs research paper help research papers examples should take in an outline or draft of his or her assignment to have it reviewed by the writing center staff. Many institutions require that students make appointments, especially during busy periods, such as the end of the semester. Many students also turn to the Internet for research paper help. There are many online tutors and tutorials that are available to help students perfect their documents. Students may also benefit by reviewing research paper examples online before they draft their own articles. Research paper help is different than purchasing a reference project. Many students choose to purchase research paper drafts through online research paper resellers or writers. These papers may be pre-written or they may be custom-written to suit the specific needs of a pupil. While this method may help learners to improve their document grades, it may not help students actually get the report help that they need in order to be better pupils. Therefore, learners should consider their long-term goals when they are deciding whether they need to buy a research paper or whether they need research paper help in other areas. Recent guides:;;;