It up i had a steamer i steamed the clothes with tags and i got everything listed and it was amazing it worked this idea was working i was so excited because what a huge opportunity i live in this city where i have all these thrift stores to get things to sell i can do this from home around my children's school schedule i can be there for them and i can make money and eventually ebay listing template it was more money than i could have made at any job so i started going to the goodwill stores thrift stores garage sales in the suburbs of atlanta and quickly realized that i was in the perfect location to make a reselling business work it was like the perfect storm of factors that made.


This work for me and i had already made up my mind that i was going to do this and failure was not an option over the years i have sold everything imaginable including clothing shoes military surplus toys non-perishable groceries old pennies and most recently i sold an autographed book from the 1950s i found it at goodwill for three dollars and it sold in a couple of days for a thousand dollars to a collector in england so this business was a lifesaver for me and that's one of the reasons i do what i do and share my experiences because ebay can change lives i know because it changed mine but in the early days i got a lot of criticism because people could not grasp why a college-educated woman with a business degree in a corporate background would want to earn a living selling used junk online.

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even my own family was like why are you doing this you know this is such a waste of your skills and your education and it was like i didn't even care what they said um i did it because i could and it was working and it was fun and i was my own boss but lo and behold first they criticize you then they want to copy you after a couple of years friends neighbors even people at pta noticed that i was making this business work and so they became very interested how could they do it too.

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So people started asking me questions and sending me emails and i would respond with really long answers explaining all the details and i was just doing it to be nice to help them along and thought you know i enjoy this so much why not help out my friends then somebody suggested that i start a blog putting all the information there instead of through email and i responded with um what's a ebay template builder so i figured out how to start a blog and i called it ebay selling coach because i was kind of coaching people about how to sell and just thought that my friends and family were reading it so one day i looked at the analytics and saw that people all over the world were reading it i was really an early adopter of ebay and people around the world were learning from my experiences so i was a little freaked out about that