With a better understanding of the different ratings on a window label, you must be confident enough to make the right decision for accurate skylight label. This label is a process that can easily tell you a lot about its working performance as well as its energy efficiency. Here, read about the primary factors of these labels as guided by window installation contractors that are adequately prepared to compare different brands and types. Well, it will eventually help you select a proper skylight that fits right for your home. 

Suggestions By Home Window Installation Remodelers To Read Skylight Labels

  • U-Factor

This U-Factor will tell you about how good your skylight insulates. A kind of measurement that helps us know the rate at which the product will conduct non-solar heat flow. U-Factor ratings usually tend to depreciate within .20 and 1.20. The lower the U-Factor, the better insulation your skylight will have. So, while you decide to shop for energy-efficient skylights, always look for a low U-Factor feature.

  • Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC)

Solar heat gain coefficient is another vital factor to know as suggested by knowledgeable experts. This is something that will easily rate how effective a window is when it comes to blocking the sun’s radiant heat. This feature will measure how much solar radiation can pass directly through your skylight, and how much heat will it absorb. SHGC is mentioned on an NFRC label that helps you determine between energy-efficient process by breaking down the product’s energy performance, which further ranges between a number of 0 and 1.The lower the solar heat gain coefficient will be, the less solar heat a window will allow inside. Apart from this, it also depends on the climate you live in and the direction your home is facing towards. However, if you have little knowledge about the SHGC factor, you can connect with a qualified team of contractors by choosing the one from the best window contractors near me list. 

  • Visible transmittance (VT) must be considered

Visible transmittance is a process by which you can easily quantify how much light a window can pass into your house. This is measured between number 0 and 1. Apart from this, VT also is used to check  how many panes of glass in a skylight has with special coatings. It will include a Low-E coating or a reflective coating on a tinted glass.Well, skylight uses different degrees of a tinting that controls energy efficiency, SHG, and the amount of light that can enter. So, this is all about a visible transmittance factor that you must know.

  • Air leakage factor

Another factor that is defined by a team of experts from renowned home window installation companies where you can measure its leakage factor. With this, you can even determine how much air a skylight will let into your home. Air leakage will usually be between a range of .1 and .03, where a low number will define a tighter product; which means less air is allowed to pass. Apart from this, it’s also a vital thing to know that a proper information will let you install a perfect window.

The Bottom Line

Evaluate your skylight installation process based on NFRC ratings as it will narrow down your list of manufactures. Based on this you will be able to decide between wood, fiberglass or vinyl windows while letting you identify the type of skylight that is the best for your house. 

Hope, these smart guidelines will help you know what kind of skylights you can choose for your house so that it blends well while experiencing a lasting quality.


To know well about your window labels before its installation or replacement, always have a knowledge about its U-factor, solar heat gain coefficient, visible transmittance as well as air leakage factors.