Whether you need to create a period copy for auditing purposes, testing new transactions, or simply keeping a record of your financial data, QuickBooks makes it easy. With the right tools and guidance, you can create an exact copy of your company file for a specific period without affecting your live data.

So, let's get started and learn how to create a QuickBooks period copy in just a few minutes!

Understanding QuickBooks Period Copy

Create QuickBooks Period Copy is a feature that allows users to create copies of their company files for a specific period. This functionality is crucial for businesses that need to share financial data with accountants, undergo audits, or analyse historical data without disrupting ongoing operations.

The first step in understanding how to use this feature effectively is recognizing its purpose. QuickBooks Period Copy is designed to offer flexibility and control over the financial data you wish to review, share, or analyze. It provides a snapshot of your business’s financial health within a specific timeframe, which can be invaluable for detailed analysis or external review.

Steps to create a QuickBooks Period Copy

Creating a QuickBooks Period Copy involves several steps, starting with preparing your company file. Ensure your data is up-to-date and backed up before beginning the process. This safeguard protects your information and ensures a smooth operation.

The next step is to access the Period Copy feature within QuickBooks. This is typically found in the File menu under Utilities. From there, QuickBooks will guide you through selecting the start and end dates for the period you wish to copy. It's crucial to double-check these dates to ensure your period copy covers the exact timeframe you need.

After setting the dates, QuickBooks will process the request and create a copy of your company file for the specified period. Depending on the size of your file and the length of the period, this process can take some time. Once completed, you'll have a period copy ready for use.

Customising your QuickBooks Period Copy

Customization is a key aspect of maximising the usefulness of your QuickBooks Period Copy. Depending on your needs, you might want to include or exclude certain types of transactions or details. QuickBooks allows for this level of detail control through its customization options.

For instance, if you’re creating a period copy for audit purposes, you might need to include all transactions, including those pending review. On the other hand, if the copy is for internal analysis, you might choose to exclude incomplete or unverified transactions to focus on confirmed data.

Moreover, QuickBooks offers the ability to customise reports within the period copy. This feature can be particularly useful for businesses that need to analyze specific aspects of their financial data, such as sales trends, expense categories, or profitability by project.

Tips for managing your QuickBooks Period Copy

Managing your QuickBooks Period Copy effectively is crucial for ensuring that the data remains useful and accessible. One key tip is to clearly label each period copy with the relevant dates and purpose. This organisation method prevents confusion and ensures you can easily find the right period copy when needed.

Another important aspect of management is storage. Since period copies are essentially duplicates of your company file, they can take up significant storage space on your computer or network. Consider using cloud storage solutions or external hard drives to store period copies that are not immediately needed.

Lastly, regular reviews of your stored period copies can help identify any that are no longer necessary. Over time, the relevance of certain period copies may diminish, and deleting outdated copies can free up storage space and reduce clutter.

Troubleshooting common issues with QuickBooks Period Copy

Even with careful planning and execution, users may encounter issues when creating or using QuickBooks Period Copies. One common issue is receiving error messages during the creation process.

This often indicates a problem with the company file, such as corruption or incomplete data. Running a verification and rebuild on your company file can often resolve these issues.

Another issue is the period copy not reflecting all transactions for the selected period. This can occur if transactions were entered with incorrect dates or if there are data sync issues. Double-checking the accuracy of transaction dates and ensuring all data is properly synchronised can help mitigate this problem.

If you encounter persistent issues that you cannot resolve, QuickBooks’ support resources or a professional advisor can provide assistance. Often, these resources can offer solutions or workarounds that are not immediately apparent.

Integrating QuickBooks Period Copy with other software

Integrating your QuickBooks Period Copy with other software can enhance its usefulness, especially for comprehensive analysis or reporting.

Many businesses use additional software tools for inventory management, customer relationship management (CRM), or advanced analytics. Exporting data from your QuickBooks Period Copy to these tools can provide deeper insights and streamline business processes.

However, it’s important to ensure compatibility between QuickBooks and any third-party software. Checking the integration capabilities of both QuickBooks and the software you wish to integrate with is a crucial first step.

Additionally, consider any data privacy or security implications when sharing financial data across platforms.

Software developers often provide guides or support services to assist with integration processes. Utilising these resources can simplify the integration and ensure that you get the most out of both your QuickBooks Period Copy and any third-party software.

Training resources for using QuickBooks Period Copy

For those new to QuickBooks or the Period Copy feature, a range of training resources are available to help you get started. QuickBooks itself offers tutorials and guides that cover the basics of creating and managing period copies. These resources are a great starting point for understanding the process and best practices.

Additionally, online courses and webinars can provide more in-depth training on QuickBooks and its features. Many of these resources are tailored to specific business needs or user levels, from beginners to advanced users.

Exploring these options can enhance your knowledge and skills, allowing you to leverage QuickBooks Period Copy more effectively.

Lastly, consulting with a QuickBooks certified advisor can provide personalized training and advice. Advisors can offer insights tailored to your business’s unique needs, helping you to optimise your use of QuickBooks and the Period Copy feature.

Alternatives to QuickBooks Period Copy

While QuickBooks Period Copy is a powerful tool for many businesses, there are alternatives worth considering. Other accounting software packages offer similar features, allowing for the creation of period-specific data copies or reports. Exploring these alternatives can be useful if QuickBooks does not meet all your business's specific needs.

Additionally, custom database solutions or spreadsheets can serve as alternatives for data analysis and record-keeping. These options may require more manual setup and management, but they offer flexibility for businesses with unique requirements.

When considering alternatives, it’s important to weigh the benefits and limitations of each option. The right choice will depend on your business's size, complexity, and specific needs.


QuickBooks Period Copy is an invaluable tool for businesses that need to create accurate, period-specific copies of their financial data. Whether for auditing, analysis, or record-keeping, it offers flexibility and control over your financial information.

By following the steps and tips outlined in this article, you can efficiently create and manage QuickBooks Period Copies. Additionally, troubleshooting common issues and integrating with other software can enhance the utility of your period copies.