It is expected that digital data will transform medicine. However, most of today’s medical data lack interoperability: hidden in isolated databases, incompatible systems and proprietary software, the data are difficult to exchange, analyse, and interpret. This slows medical progress because technologies that rely on these data – artificial intelligence, big data, or mobile applications – cannot be fully utilised. We argue in this article that interoperability is a requirement for the digital innovations envisioned for future medicine. We concentrate on four areas where interoperable data and IT systems are crucial:  artificial intelligence and big data; medical communication;  research; and  international cooperation. We discuss how interoperability can help to accelerate digital transformation in these areas, thereby improving the health and well-being of patients around the world.

The digitalization of medicine has the potential to make significant advances in global health. Electronic medical records, mobile health apps, medical imaging, low-cost gene sequencing, and new sensors and wearable devices are all contributing to an ever-increasing flow of digital health data. This wealth of data, when combined with artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and big data analytics, has enormous potential for healthcare and has the potential to improve the lives of millions of patients worldwide – through better diagnostics, personalised treatments, and early disease prevention.

However, medical data is only useful if it can be converted into meaningful information. This necessitates high-quality datasets, seamless communication across IT systems, and standard data formats that humans and machines can process. However, by these standards, a large portion of today's medical data is effectively useless: The data is difficult to exchange, process, and interpret because it is hidden in isolated data silos and incompatible systems. In fact, the current medical landscape appears to be characterised by a large number of disconnected small data rather than “big data.” These are unfavourable conditions for the data-driven technologies People asked to Why Is Interoperability Important In Healthcare IT so doctor said that are expected to propel medical innovation. To realise the full potential of digital medicine, an interconnected data infrastructure with fast, reliable, and secure interfaces, international data exchange standards, and medical terminologies that define unambiguous vocabularies for medical information communication are required. In a nutshell, digital health is dependent on interoperability.

The purpose of this article is to demonstrate why interoperability is critical for realising the full potential of digitalization in healthcare and medicine. Although the importance of interoperable health IT systems is increasingly recognized awareness of this topic among healthcare professionals remains relatively low – especially when compared to topics such as artificial intelligence, big data, or mobile technologies, which are widely regarded as the primary drivers of digital health innovation. As a result, progress in health interoperability has been slow.we argue that interoperability is essential for advances in digital health, and that it is, in fact, a prerequisite for the majority of future medical innovations.

Our definition of interoperability and its various levels: technical, syntactic, semantic, and organisational. It then demonstrates how interoperability can improve medicine by focusing on four areas that benefit (and in some cases rely on) interoperable health IT systems:  artificial intelligence and big data;  medical communication; research; and  international cooperation. Formalized paraphrase These four areas were chosen because they demonstrate particularly well how interoperability can facilitate digital transformation and improve medicine and healthcare (however, the areas are not mutually exclusive, and advancing, for example, medical communication can also improve international cooperation). It is important to note that our perspectives are influenced by our German/European heritage. However, we discuss topics that are broad enough to be of interest to international readers. It should also be noted that, while this article provides some examples of specific health IT standards and medical terminologies that can improve interoperability, it does not aim to provide detailed technical discussions of specific standards or terminologies (this information can be found elsewhere).