In April 2021, Australia opened travel bubble with New Zealand.  

What’s a “travel bubble?”

Because of COVID-19, countries restricted international flights to lower the virus’ spread.  Since some people still needed to move about, countries imposed waiting periods before trips and self-isolation restrictions upon return, as well as other conditions.  Travel bubbles eliminate many of these limitations.   

There are still some rules and details New Zealand travellers should know.

From New Zealand to Australia

If you are travelling from New Zealand to Australia, you should fill-out an Australia Travel Declaration at least 72 hours before you leave New Zealand.  

If you are traveling by air and you have been in New Zealand for more than 14 days prior to your trip, you are automatically exempt from any restrictions.  And, while you do not need to be a New Zealand citizen to journey to Australia, you will need a valid visa to enter Australia. 

The above links and pages, which the Australian government keeps up-to-date and are subject to change, further explain these rules, and provide additional information that New Zealand travellers may find helpful.    

Getting Around 

The travel bubble opening is certainly great news for “Kiwis,” many of whom are close family and long-time friends with “Aussies,” who haven’t been able to see one another in over a year.   Getting to Australia is only the first step, though.  

Once you’re there, how will you get around?  Well, if you’re heading over to Melbourne Australia, the best choice is Luxury Corporate Cars.

Luxury Corporate Cars

Luxury Corporate Cars offers reliable airport transfers for New Zealand travellers in Melbourne, with skilled, professional drivers who offer the best, most reliable services.   Luxury Corporate Cars also offers the lowest rental rates on luxury cars for New Zealand travellers in Melbourne, from the most popular brands, all of which provide a superior experience.  And, it offers chauffeur car hire for international travellers in Melbourne, so that you can discover all the city has to offer, in comfort, along with delicious refreshments.