As lucrative as regular marketing as music marketing is, the concepts in marketing music are the same as other fields of marketing. It follows the five different stages in marketing, with the first stage as creating brand awareness to the target audience.

But in terms of promoting one’s music, brand awareness is associated with the style the musician is going for. It can be pop, funk, rock, indie, EDM, or Lo-Fi.

Since the styles musicians can go through means people liking their music in a particular way, the music industry doesn’t work that way.

No matter how good your music is for the audiophiles, but you have little marketing exposure from music marketers, your piece will end up as one of the underappreciated music of all time.

Because of that, you will need to step up your music promotions by following one of the trendy ways to easily promote them. It can be whether by posting by various social media sites, audio streaming services, and more or try the traditional way with the use of paper marketing.

And to better promote in these channels, all you need to do is to embed a sample of your song into a QR code.

What is a QR code?

A quick response code or commonly known as a QR code is a machine-readable 2-dimensional type of barcode that allows a user to embed various types of data such as URL, text, series pf mini-programmable, and even a file like audio into it.

This type of barcode was invented and first used by a Japanese automatic identification maker company, Denso Wave, as part of its automotive assembly systems. The company owner left the technology unpatented to give many people an opportunity to improve the tech at a low cost.

Along with today’s internet usage expansion, a QR code is can be created with a QR code generator that is available online. By using one, a person can create and conveniently customize their QR code.

How to promote your music with QR codes?

Promoting your music with QR codes is just like promoting a product with it. You will only need a QR code with a sample of your music in it and a great music marketing template that you can freely integrate into any promotions platforms. And after that, you can follow these three notable ways on how to promote your music with QR codes.

Flash your QR code in one of your YouTube videos

With most musicians having their own YouTube channels to share their music-making journeys, it is impossible for one to not have their own channel. As a way to low-key promote your music while giving singing or music-making tips in one of your videos, you can flash your mp3 QR code on the side of your video where viewers can also see them.

Share it on social media

One way to get your music to go viral is by posting your music QR code on all of your social media handles like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more. And to do that, you will need to have a compelling mp3 QR code design to fit your social media followers' taste in liking and sharing your posts.

In making one, you will need to use a QR code generator with logo to create your mp3 QR code where you can customize the design and add your logo to it.

Place it in your studio windows

If you think the online community is not enough to make your music be known and heard, then doing an offline promotion is the next step you will need to do. To start doing one, you will need a place where most people walk by and can easily see your QR code promotion.


Music has always been a part of one’s life from birth to adulthood. And during this period, people’s taste in music changes according to what social media and music streaming services recommend them to listen to.

With music marketing as key to getting a musician’s music to be heard by the public, expanding one’s music marketer’s efforts can make a huge difference in the musician’s life. As QR codes are the key to the future of marketing, making a piece of music go viral is possible with one scan away.