Malacca has been experiencing e-commerce boom, and with this, the businesses are kept within a very complex legal environment to ensure that they comply with the local regulations. Inability to adhere to such laws can find a business facing massive penalties and company reputations getting hurt. Here's all you need to know about the legal compliance faced by an e-commerce business in Malaysia.

Personal Data Protection Act - PDPA

Among the key legislations applicable in Malaysia to an e-commerce business comes the Personal Data Protection Act 2010, which regulates the collection, usage, and storage of personal data. This, in turn, means that any e-commerce business should get proper consent from customers before collecting any personal information, with measures undertaken for protection against unauthorized access and data breaches.

Consumer Protection

Another important regulation that e-commerce businesses have to put up with is the Consumer Protection (Electronic Trade Transactions) Regulations 2012. According to law, legal compliance the business should provide complete and accurate information concerning its products, such as prices, terms of sale, and return policies. The business is supposed to give a channel where a consumer can reach it or its establishment for assistance, say through a customer hotline or email service.


E-commerce businesses in Malaysia are also expected to comply with many tax obligations. This includes SST for Sales and Services, which are provided within Malaysia. There is a need for companies to register themselves with the Royal Malaysian Customs Department and ensure their systems meet all requirements for reporting and payment.

 Intellectual Property Rights

IP protection is one of the key success factors for an e-commerce business. Protection means not infringing on the rights of other companies and actually protecting their own, such as by trademark, patent, and copyright registrations.


In essence, proper legal compliance is crucial for both the development and continuity of an e-commerce business in Malaysia. Understanding these key guiding principles would allow businesses to run smoothly and gain customers' trust.