Wifi Protected Setup is quite an easy and fast Linksys extender setup process which makes use of the WPS button on both the router and the Linksys extender. It does not require any extender.linksys.com login or accessing the configuration screen, only the WPS should be supported on both devices.

  1. Plug the Linksys extender into the electrical source via a power adapter.
  2. Turn on the Linksys extender and wait till the power indicator LED turns blue.
  3. Press the WPS button located on the side panel of the Linksys extender.
  4. Simultaneously, press the WPS button the current home router.
  5. The Linksys extender setup gets done with just two steps. Connect the wireless devices to the Linksys range extender’s setup network after the Linksys extender setup is complete.