The inside then just do what I'm doing here and trim away just a little bit and so now when i take this piece and I place it inside I have the look that i want and by not being too tall I just mean how much space do I have between this edge of the chipboard and the top of the pot I like for mine to sit down on the inside just a little bit so now we're able to take our tape and I am just going to take my tape wrap it over just like that on both of these and now I can peel away that tape backer I'm going to bring in one piece of my 12 by three and a half-inch and place that down now.

Artificial Flowers Or Plastic Flower

I'll use my finger blade just to trim out that excess when i get to the end of the chipboard I'm just going to flare out because i don't want to be cutting it too close when I'm trying to do my wrap around so i'll come to the edge of that chipboard and flare out and you can see that flare now i'll visit this artificial flowers shop and bring it over and now i'll trim away all of the excess and i will have my side piece so that's one let's go ahead and do the second one so i am going to bring in that second piece of three and a half by twelve place it down at the bottom just like that and now i'll trim away my excess when i get to the end i'll flare out we'll do the same thing here trim away when you get to the end flare out now i can take this piece fold it over and trim away all of that excess then i'm going to do one final test fit to make sure everything is good and so now i'll take my glue i'm using my reptile for this artificial flowers shop.

Clean And Care For Artificial Flowers

If you want it to you could use hot glue but i get a pretty quick stick with the reptile glue and i also like the fact that i have a little bit of wiggle room when i use my reptile versus the immediate stick that you get when you're using hot glue sometimes i want just a little extra time so i'm going to take this and when i place mine i'm actually going to bring it in a little bit i don't want mine sitting on the edge so i am going to bring it in just a little and then i'll close it and now i can just squeeze and press down to get my stick so you can see that glue kind of oozing when i press that's exactly what you want because that means that you have a really good stick and now that that's dry enough we're going to go ahead and place our second side piece so i am just placing glue on the three raw edges of my chipboard and i'm going to take this piece and just slide it into place and then i'll squeeze press down and squeeze until i have my stick and so now we can set this to the side and let it dry and while it's drying we'll go ahead and make that artificial flowers so i am going to bring in my loops and i have already made ten of the flower loops and i'll make the remaining two with you guys so i have my strips that measure one by six and i'm just going to give it a little bit of a curve and i like to use double-sided artificial flowers because i like the way that it looks from all angles so now i'm going to take my glue i'm going to go ahead and place glue on both of these and i'll just join the bottoms until i have a loop like that and now i have my two loops