
Drug-induced abortion, also known as medical abortion, is a method of terminating early pregnancy through oral medication. It avoids the pain and trauma associated with surgical abortion, providing a relatively gentle method of pregnancy termination for many women. However, drug-induced abortion is not suitable for all situations, and its applicable conditions, process, and precautions must be strictly followed.

Applicable Conditions

Menstrual Cycle Time

Drug-induced abortion is typically suitable for women with a menstrual cycle time not exceeding 49 days. At this time, the gestational sac is small, and the pregnancy tissue in the uterine cavity is relatively less, which increases the success rate of drug-induced abortion. If it exceeds 49 days, drug-induced abortion is not recommended to avoid the risk of abortion failure or the need for curettage.


For women under 18 years old, due to the body not being fully mature, drug-induced abortion may cause certain damage to the body, so it is not recommended for this group of women.

Gestational Sac Size

Another key factor for drug-induced abortion is the 家計會藥物流產size of the gestational sac. If the diameter of the gestational sac is greater than 2cm, drug-induced abortion is not recommended as the gestational sac is large, which can easily lead to abortion failure.

Medical History and Contraindications

Medical History: If the patient has chronic diseases or reproductive system infectious diseases, such as pelvic inflammatory disease, vaginitis, etc., drug-induced abortion is not recommended to avoid exacerbating the condition.

Contraindications: Women with glaucoma, asthma, ectopic pregnancy, and other conditions are contraindicated for drug-induced abortion. Blind medication may cause serious complications and even endanger life.

Other Conditions

It must be an intrauterine pregnancy, and the 人工流產收費gestational sac must be located in the uterine cavity.

The pregnant woman must be voluntary, without serious liver and kidney diseases, heart diseases, etc.

The age is generally not more than 40 years old.


Preliminary Examination

Before deciding to undergo a drug-induced abortion, women need to go to the hospital for a series of examinations, including B-ultrasound, vaginal 人工流產費用discharge routine, blood analysis, etc., to confirm the pregnancy time, the size and location of the gestational sac, and whether there are contraindications to drug-induced abortion.

Medication Process

Drug-induced abortion generally uses two types of drugs: mifepristone and misoprostol.

Taking Mifepristone: According to the doctor's dosage and requirements, usually once in the morning and once in the evening, for two consecutive days. During the medication period, avoid eating and drinking to prevent reducing the efficacy.

Taking Misoprostol: On the third day, take misoprostol at the hospital and stay for observation. Generally, 2-6 hours after taking the medicine, the vaginal落bb discharge will expel the pregnancy products. After discharge, the amount of vaginal bleeding will significantly decrease, and the lower abdominal pain will also be relieved.

Follow-up Observation and Re-examination

Hospital Observation: After taking misoprostol, it is necessary to observe in the hospital to ensure that the pregnancy products are smoothly expelled, and the amount of vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain are normal.

Re-examination of B-ultrasound: After leaving the hospital, 人工流產醫院pay attention to nutrition, rest in bed, and go to the hospital for a B-ultrasound examination on the 7th day after the drug abortion to understand whether there are residual tissues in the uterus.

Special Situations Handling: If there is an abnormal 人工流產醫院situation such as excessive vaginal bleeding before the discharge of the pregnancy products, seek medical attention in time, and perform curettage surgery if necessary.


Strictly follow medical advice: Drug-induced abortion 深圳無痛人流must be carried out under the guidance of a doctor, and it is not allowed to purchase drugs privately or use them blindly.

Observe the amount of bleeding: Pay attention to the amount of vaginal bleeding, and if the bleeding is too much or lasts too long, seek medical treatment in time.

Rest and nutrition: After drug-induced abortion, 香港人工流產it is necessary to rest appropriately, avoid heavy physical labor and strenuous exercise. At the same time, strengthen nutritional intake to promote body recovery.

Cleanliness and hygiene: Pay attention to the cleanliness of the private parts, change sanitary pads frequently, and avoid taking a bath. No sexual life is allowed within a month to prevent infection.

Contraceptive measures: After abortion,深圳清宮手術 ovulation may recover very quickly, so if you need to have sexual intercourse after a month, be sure to take contraceptive measures to avoid getting pregnant again.


As a non-surgical method of terminating pregnancy, drug-induced abortion provides convenience for many women. However, its applicable conditions, process, 抽血 驗孕and precautions must be strictly followed. Only by choosing and using drugs reasonably under the guidance of a doctor can the safety and effectiveness of drug-induced abortion be ensured.