Have you ever been pessimistic about a problem or life situation you are facing? Have you noticed that at some point in your life you are overwhelmed with negative thoughts? Surely, yes, like most of us. Life, at some point, can become a test of our mind, our views and attitudes. Ask yourself: What kind of person do you consider yourself to be, positive or negative?

How to become a positive person?

The question of developing one's own positivity is often raised in an environment aimed at personal development, since it is this quality that helps to quickly cope with difficult situations, find non-standard solutions, consider failures as new opportunities, and not a collapse of what is happening. Positive people love and strive to be with them more often, to share all kinds of blessings, since their worldview concerns not only their own lives, but also situations with other people, they are able to alleviate other people's suffering or help to laugh in a place where a person would usually experience fear or nervousness ...

But the desire for eternal joy, as well as becoming a positive person forever does not find an answer, because it is thanks to the alternation of states that a person is able to feel happiness or a complacent attitude, if there is nothing to compare with, then the perception of such a worldview, as positive, will not be familiar and trivial. It is also important to be able to raise the mood and close people.

At the same time, the evolutionary mechanisms of development do not allow a person to be constantly positive, because the brain is initially set up to pick up negative and threatening signals. So positivism helps in solving difficulties, adds strength and adaptability in the struggle, but also distracts attention and makes invisible real problems and threatening factors that can destroy human life.

In addition to knowing that the brain is initially evolutionarily attuned to the negative, it is necessary to understand another point - the ability to program its own perception and structure of the brain. So, if you try to smile more often and through force look for the positive in what is happening, try to treat others with complacency (smile to the big guy who smacked your foot in transport), then gradually the brain structure changes and rebuilds in a positive way.

The hormonal system is connected to this process, increasing the release of endorphins into the blood and increasing the overall level of happiness. Those. at first, you smile through force, the body receives a signal that something good is happening and throws up endorphins, with their increased level even the grayest reality begins to seem not so gloomy and the reasons for happiness increase, so the circle closes and thinking rebuilds into a positive spectrum, the main thing withstand the first time of volitional control. Such changes occur independently when falling in love, where the first triggering mechanism is a natural surge of hormones, and then there are no insoluble situations for a person.

Benefits of positive thinking

  • Our vision expands and allows us to increase our awareness and ability to participate in new thoughts and actions.
  • This encourages us to invest more in ourselves and see long-term benefits from it.
  • It is better for our health, reduces stress hormones (adrenaline and cortisol), improves cardiovascular health, and increases life expectancy.
  • People who are positive have lower rates of depression.
  • Positive thinking boosts our immune functions and makes us less susceptible to disease.
  • This contributes to better psychological and physical well-being.
  • It helps us better deal with real problems and challenges.
  • This improves our overall productivity.
  • Positive people have better relationships with others.
  • This makes us more resilient and enhances our ability to "bounce" when we fail.
  • It makes us happier, calmer, and more optimistic about life in general.
  • This helps us to be more motivated.
    This reduces the need for external fixations such as alcohol and drugs.
  • This makes us more attractive and accessible to other positive people.

Obviously, there are so many benefits to be gained from becoming a positive person. Most people with negative attitudes do not realize that they have negative thinking. This negativity has been honed over the years and ingrained within them. This becomes their default disposition. Quite often, they cannot see how their negativity has negatively affected their lives, and they blame external circumstances for everything.