Every year, thousands of immigrants move to the States in the hope of a better tomorrow for themselves as well as their families. However, some of them are also detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for many offenses, including violent crimes. ICE plays a crucial role in maintaining national security and public safety by enforcing immigration laws, and a critical component of their work involves detaining non-citizens who have committed crimes, particularly violent ones. Are you one of those people, or is a friend or family member detained by ICE authorities? Well, before you seek immigration bonds in Houston, Texas, here’s everything concerning violent crimes you need to know.


What are Violent Crimes?

Violent crimes are offenses that involve force or threat of force against individuals. In these crimes, the bail amount, along with the penalties and risk of incarceration, are generally high because they don’t just cause physical harm; they also instill fear and undermine the sense of safety in communities.


Types of Violent Crimes Leading to ICE Detention

There are several violent crimes for which the ICE authorities can detain an immigrant. These are listed as follows:

  • Murder and Manslaughter: Murder, or the intentional killing of another person, is one of the most severe crimes that can lead to ICE detention. Both first-degree murder (premeditated) and second-degree murder (not premeditated but intentional) fall under this category. Manslaughter, the unlawful killing without malice aforethought, is also considered a violent crime warranting ICE action.
  • Assault and Battery: These types of crimes involve physical attacks or threats of violence against individuals. In addition, aggravated assault includes severe bodily harm or the use of a deadly weapon, which is why it is considered a serious offense, and assault and battery crimes pose a direct threat to public safety, which is why ICE can detain the perpetrators or accused immigrants to prevent any further harm.
  • Kidnapping: If an individual is forcibly taken or detained against their will, it is called kidnapping. This crime has profound psychological harm and physical impact on victims, and given the severity and potential for ongoing danger, ICE prioritizes detaining immigrants involved in kidnapping cases.
  • Sexual Assault and Rape: Sexual assault and rape are heinous crimes involving non-consensual sexual acts. These offenses don’t just cause severe trauma to victims; they also undermine community safety, which is why the ICE takes stringent measures to detain accused or convicted immigrants to protect potential future victims.



Getting detained by the ICE can be frustrating. When you find that your immigration status, family, friends, and the entire life you built in a new country are hanging by a thread, the rest can seem hazy for you. However, it’s best you think logically and opt for an immigration bond in Texas. Whether you have been arrested for drug offenses, violent crimes, domestic violence, immigration law violations, or any other felony, feel free to reach out to licensed bail bond agents at Amistad Bail and Immigration Bonds for immigration bond in Texas and secure your freedom today!


Blog Source: https://www.amistadbailbonds.com/violent-crimes-that-can-get-you-detained-by-ice/