A divorce is always a bitter experience for both spouses. A marriage is a bond that speaks of trust and commitment for a lifetime, and it is not easy to break out of this bond and begin living independently. The issue becomes more complicated if the couple has children.


Separation usually has a deep psychological impact on children who have to get used to living with one of their parents. In the U.S., the highest divorce rate among men & women between the ages of 20-24 years in the year 2010 was 38.8% and 36.6%, respectively. These stats & numbers have increased exponentially in recent years.


When you are negotiating a divorce, you have to choose your attorney carefully. There are delicate issues such as child custody. The matter gets more complicated when one parent wants complete custody of their child and denies visitation rights to the other. Hence, your lawyer must be competent so that he can represent your case properly.


The divorce attorney should be knowledgeable in all aspects of family law. But knowledge alone is not enough as he needs to fight your case in court. Always try to hire an attorney who has had previous experience in representing divorce cases. The legalities and jargons keep on changing, so your attorney must keep himself updated about them too.


Before you go right ahead and hire an attorney, you should schedule an interview with him first. The purpose is to know about his experience and make sure if his credentials are actually authentic. Try to find out about the number of cases he has represented and how many he has won so far. After all, it is of no use hiring someone who has not had a single success to date!


The divorce attorney will study your case and outline the strengths and weaknesses. He will help you in matters such as:


  1. Visitation rights of the child
  2. Child support and custody
  3. Adoption
  4. Division of property and assets, etc.


If you get into an unfortunate situation of dissolving your marriage, consideration to detail & willingness to fight for your rights are essential in getting started on a positive path toward your future. If you need an accomplished, dedicated, and inspiring lawyer to represent you, please call 1-714~733-7066, the law office of Jos Family Law, the top Anaheim divorce attorney today.