Exoskeletons are Revolutionizing Rehabilitation

Exoskeletons are robotic frameworks that are worn over a person's limbs to enhance or restore human movement. In the medical field, exoskeletons are being developed to aid individuals with limited mobility, such as those living with paralysis, muscle weaknesses, or aging joints. By attaching to the body and working in tandem with the user's movements, exoskeletons can facilitate rehabilitation and improve quality of life. Researchers are making rapid advancements in exoskeleton technology that are revolutionizing how mobility impairments are treated globally.

Promising clinical trial results demonstrate the effectiveness of exoskeleton-aided rehabilitation. A recent study had patients with spinal cord injuries use an exoskeleton twice per week for eight weeks during physical therapy sessions. Participants experienced significant improvements in walking speed, endurance, and motor control compared to conventional therapy alone. The additional limb support and feedback from the exoskeleton helped retrain neural pathways and strengthen muscles. Exoskeletons are motivating users to remain active and mobile during recovery periods. As more clinical evidence emerges, exoskeletons will play a growing role in mainstream rehabilitation protocols.

Commercial Exoskeletons are Gaining Regulatory Approvals

The success of clinical studies has prompted several companies to develop commercial exoskeleton offerings for civilian and clinical uses. Ekso Bionics produces the Ekso GT exoskeleton, which received FDA approval in 2017 for use in rehabilitation centers and clinics. Partners Healthcare in Boston became one of the first adopters of the Ekso GT to treat patients regaining mobility from neurological injuries. Additional commercial models, such as the ReWalk from ReWalk Robotics, aim to empower users with spinal cord injuries to stand upright and walk more independently with crutches or a walker. Positive clinical results and regulatory clearances mean more patients will gain access to exoskeleton technologies as adoption increases.

Countries Lead Global Research and Development Efforts

Various countries and institutions are investing heavily in Medical Exoskeleton research and innovation through public-private partnerships. In the United States, federally funded projects at MIT, University of California Los Angeles, Vanderbilt University and other institutions have yielded advances in exoskeleton control algorithms, design miniaturization, and whole body mobility systems. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has contributed millions in exoskeleton grants through its Warrior Web program to support research for military purposes, but with carryover into medical applications. In Europe, Germany and the United Kingdom are hubs for exoskeleton development through projects atFraunhofer institutes, Cambridge Bionics, and Roessingh Research and Development. Countries like Japan, Korea and China also pour significant resources into exoskeleton engineering through programs at major universities and state research labs. Through global collaboration, no single country dominates the innovation landscape and important discoveries are shared worldwide to benefit all users.

Lower Limb Exoskeletons are Most Advanced

Among the various types of medical exoskeletons in development, those designed to enhance lower limb and walking functions have progressed the furthest. Lower body exoskeletons typically attach around the hips and thighs, as well as below the knees. By powering leg joints through motors and transmission systems, they can bear some of the user's body weight to facilitate upright mobility. The Ekso GT, ReWalk, and suits from Rex Bionics and Cyberdyne are examples of commercially available lower limb exoskeletons used for rehabilitation and disability assistance. Compared to upper limb or full body variants, designing for bipedal locomotion poses unique control and actuation challenges that researchers are solving through biomechanics research and testing. Advancements continue to shrink lower limb exoskeleton sizes while increasing power and wearability for greater independence.

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