In a study by Piers Steel, he found out that about 95% of people procrastinate to some degree. And when speaking of students and coursework, this figure is only bound to go higher. 

Students find themselves again and again in the procrastination trap when they are dealing with their coursework. Some of them resort to a coursework help service ultimately to deal with it, while others either miss their deadlines or struggle hard to meet them. If you ask any student, they would rather scroll their phones, listen to music, or do anything else but hate writing their papers. But eventually, they realize that they can’t avoid them anymore, but till the time they realize this, they are scarily nearing the deadline of their paper. If you too find yourself trapped in a procrastination cycle like this, it is time to get out. Sounds hard? Here are 5 tricks that will help in breaking the cycle:

Start With the Worst

When you avoid one paper, you tend to do the same with others as well. This is why you should make sure that you deal with each one of your papers- even the ones you hate the most. When tackling your procrastination issue, you must start with that one paper you hate most. When you have dealt with your worst obstacle, it is easier to go forward. 

Let Someone Know Your Goals

Procrastination happens when you avoid doing your personal tasks again and again. Therefore, it is a good idea to have someone else involved who would keep a check on you. You can mention your papers and their deadlines to your closest friends or family and tell them your plans to not procrastinate. Now every time to try to avoid the paper without any reason, you know you’d have someone checking up on you.

Tackle Tasks Immediately

As mentioned in the first step, accumulating more and more tasks only develops a habit of procrastination and makes it worse. It is a good strategy to tackle tasks as and when they arise rather than assigning a time in the future for them. It is very likely that you won’t do it in the future. So, analyze every task that arises to check if it is possible to get it done immediately. 

Reward Yourself 

We mostly tend to procrastinate on tasks in which we don’t see any immediate benefit. This is why coursework is highly prone to procrastination. It doesn’t give you an incentive to work on it as you don’t see anything rewarding at the end of completion. Try setting a personal reward system and reward yourself after the completion of each task. It can be a treat to your favourite food, leisure time, sleep, etc.

Steadily Change Your Attitude

Whenever students are given a paper to write, they have internal dialogues in their minds while planning how to do it. It usually consists of phrases like ‘have to’ or ‘need to.’ This creates a negative mindset about the task. Instead, use phrases like ‘want to’ or ‘choose to’ as this will steadily improve your attitude. 

If you too feel that coursework is being hampered by your procrastination, you can consider the above-mentioned tricks. However, if you need immediate assistance with your coursework, then you can always seek a coursework help service.

Summary: This write-up aims to provide students with some tricks to overcome their procrastination related to coursework.