Family dentistry is a branch of dentistry concerned with addressing oral health issues at every stage of life. Dental needs vary for individuals of different ages. Specialists who cater to the oral health needs of all age groups from infancy to adulthood are called family dentists.

Family Dentistry takes a comprehensive approach to preventing and treating a wide range of dental issues, focusing particularly on children and teenagers.

What do Family Dentists do?

Dentistry is not just for adults. Even infants require oral care. Family dentists tend to the dental issues of each individual in the family. Since all family members can get the treatment under one roof, it builds a relationship and trust between the patient and the dentist. With the help of family dentistry, it is easier to monitor the growth and development of teeth in children and prevent any dental issues with preventive procedures.Dentist Belle Plaine MN offers a variety of services which include:

Routine Checkups: Routine checkups every 6 months help in early detection of cavities before they turn into bigger issues. Routine checkups can also help monitor the growth of your kids’ oral structures and ensure that their development is headed in the right direction.

Fluoride Treatment and Sealants: Fluoride treatment helps with cavity prevention in milk teeth and young permanent teeth. Young teeth are more prone to decay and therefore early application of sealants on pits and fissures can prevent future destruction.

Regular Cleanings: it is advised to get teeth cleaned every 6 months to prevent gum and periodontal issues. Plaque buildup can lead to gingivitis, which can turn into periodontitis, leading to bone destruction.

Restorative Procedures: Small cavities filled at the right time can prevent complicated procedures. 

Cosmetic Procedures: cosmetic dentistry is used to improve the overall aesthetic of the individual. Placement of veneers, crowns, bridges, or implants are suitable alternatives to elevate the smile in adults.

Orthodontic Treatments: Family dentists can assist in preventing the need for braces by maintaining the health of the milk teeth to avoid premature loss. In case the milk teeth are lost due to decay or trauma, space maintainers can be given to keep the space for the successor tooth.

Dentures, Implants, and Bridges: Old age patients with less or no teeth in mouth, face issues while chewing. For such patients with missing teeth, dentures are great options. They improve the appearance and also help with chewing. Implants or bridges are recommended for patients who are not comfortable with removable dentures.

Benefits of Family Dentistry: 

  • One Stop for all your Family Needs: Family dentists provide care to individuals of all age groups, which is convenient for families. It is cost-effective and time-saving, as they do not need to visit different dentists for their specific needs.

  • Prevention and Care for Hereditary Dental Issues: many diseases run in families. The chances of their manifestation in the next generations are high. Many diseases possess both systemic and dental manifestations. With a complete record of family history, dentists are always on the lookout for the signs and symptoms and provide treatment to reduce the impact.

  • Personalized Dental Plan: family dentists keep a record of dental health from infancy to adulthood. The ideal approach is to create a dental plan tailored to the patient’s specific needs.

  • Comfort for Kids: Kids follow their parents and learn everything from them. With the family getting treatment at the same clinic, kids become comfortable with the treatment at an early age and do not resist or cry during treatment. The kid must have a positive experience at the dentist.

  • Education: Family dentists besides treatment, educate patients regarding the importance of dental hygiene and how to keep check of the hygiene practices in kids to ensure healthy teeth.


Family dentists undergo extensive training to meet the needs of all age groups, including kids, adults, teenagers, and adults. With one-stop services, families can save both time and money. Dentists at Belle Plaine MN believe in building long-term relationships and providing high-quality care to their patients. Book your appointments with us for all your dental needs