12. Check Trade Routes
Utilize trade routes on the world map to Skull and Bones Items find crafting materials. Instead of buying limited supplies from settlements, intercept merchant ships along these routes for rare resources and save silver in the process.

13. Don’t Fire Near Settlements
Avoid firing near settlements to prevent retaliation from guard towers and nearby ships. Engage enemy ships away from settlements to avoid unnecessary confrontations and potential destruction.

14. Respawn Options
If your ship sinks, choose to respawn on the water or at an outpost. While respawning on the water lets you continue the fight immediately, respawning at an outpost allows you to repair your ship, though at a higher cost. Choose based on the situation and your ship's condition.

15. Toggle Ship Status Effects
Customize your interface to display status effects on enemy ships during combat. Go to Settings, navigate to the Interface tab, select Customize UI, and toggle all effects. This information helps prioritize targets and supports your allies effectively in battles.

With these tips and tricks, you're ready to Skull and bones items for sale online navigate the treacherous waters of Skull and Bones. Embrace your pirate destiny, conquer the seas, and carve out your legacy as a fearsome pirate captain!