Infertility is a significant challenge that many couples face on their path to parenthood. To identify the causes of infertility and seek appropriate treatment, a series of tests are necessary. This article will provide a detailed introduction to the tests that both men and women need to undergo during infertility examinationsAHM檢查.

I. Female Infertility Examinations

Basic Examinations:

Medical History: Doctors will inquire about menstrual history, fertility history, sexual history, past medical history, etc., to understand the potential causes of infertility.

Physical Examination: Including a general physical and gynecological examination to assess the health of the female reproductive organs.

Ovulation Function Examination:

Basal Body Temperature Measurement: Continuously measuring basal body temperature to assess ovulation function.AHM檢查

Hormone Assay: Including estrogen, progesterone, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, etc., to understand ovarian reserve function and hormone levels.

Ultrasound Examination: Monitoring the development of follicles and ovulation.

Tubal Patency Examination:

Hysterosalpingography: Observing whether the fallopian tubes are patent through X-ray or ultrasound.

Laparoscopy: Directly observing the fallopian tubes and pelvic conditions, and surgical treatment can be performed at the same time.

Immunological Examination:

Anti-Sperm Antibody Test: Understanding whether infertility is caused by anti-sperm antibodies.

Anti-Embryo Antibody Test: Assessing the survival ability of the embryo in the maternal uterus.

Other ExaminationsAHM檢查:

Chromosome Test: Ruling out infertility caused by chromosomal abnormalities.

Hysteroscopy: Understanding the morphology of the uterine cavity and endometrial conditions.

II. Male Infertility Examinations

Basic ExaminationsAHM檢查:

Medical History: Doctors will inquire about past medical history, sexual history, occupational history, etc., to understand the potential causes of infertility.

Physical Examination: Including a general physical and genital examination to assess the health of the male reproductive system.

Semen Routine ExaminationAHM檢查:

Examination of semen volume, color, viscosity, and other appearances.

Analysis of sperm quantity, motility, morphology, etc., to understand semen quality.

Immunological Examination:

Anti-Sperm Antibody Test: Understanding whether infertility is caused by anti-sperm antibodies.

Endocrine Examination:

Measuring hormone levels such as testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, etc., to understand male reproductive endocrine functionAHM檢查.

Genetic Examination:

Chromosome Test: Ruling out infertility caused by chromosomal abnormalities.

Y Chromosome Microdeletion Test: Understanding whether male infertility is caused by Y chromosome microdeletions.

Other Examinations:

Ultrasound Examination: Assessing the morphology and function of organs such as the testes, epididymis, and vas deferens.

Testicular Biopsy: Performing testicular biopsy when necessary to understand spermatogenesis function.

In summary, infertility examination is a systematic and comprehensive process that requires the cooperation of both men and women. Through detailed examinations, the causes of infertility can be identified, providing a scientific basis for subsequent treatment. It is hoped that this article will help you better understand the related content of infertility examinations不孕檢查.