As a parent, safeguarding your child's vision and eye care OKC is essential. Kids rely heavily on their eyesight to learn and explore the world around them. They are constantly growing and developing, making it crucial to ensure their eyes are well cared for. Here are ten practical tips for parents to help maintain and improve their child's eye health.



10 Tips for Your Child's Eye Care OKC

1.               Schedule Regular Eye Exams

Early detection of vision problems can make a significant difference in your child's eye health. Schedule regular eye exams with qualified cornea doctors Oklahoma. Routine check-ups help detect issues like myopia (nearsightedness), astigmatism, and other conditions early on.



2.               Encourage a Healthy Diet

A healthy diet is crucial for maintaining vision and eye health, regardless of age. Ensure your child consumes plenty of fruits and vegetables, particularly those high in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Omega-3 fatty acids. Foods like carrots, spinach, and fish are excellent choices for promoting healthy vision.



3.               Let Them Play Outside

Playing outdoors can help reduce the risk of myopia in children. Natural light and looking at distant objects can contribute to healthier eyes. Encourage your kids to play outside for at least an hour a day. This simple activity can have long-lasting benefits for their vision.



4.               Limit Screen Time

Many kids love playing video games or watching TV. However, excessive screen time can result in eye strain and other vision problems. Encourage regular breaks using the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, have your child look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds.



5.               Teach Proper Hygiene

Hygiene is an integral part of eye care OKC. You can teach your child to avoid touching their eyes with dirty hands, which can introduce bacteria and lead to infections. Likewise, encourage regular hand washing and educate them on the importance of not sharing personal items like towels or eye drops.


6.               Help Protect Their Eyes

Children are curious and active, making them prone to eye injuries, so it is important to teach your child the importance of eye safety. Ensure they wear protective eyewear during activities that pose a risk to their eyes. Avoid letting them play with sharp objects or toys that can cause eye injuries.



7.               Address Vision Problems Early

If your child complains of frequent headaches, squinting, or difficulty seeing the board at school, these could be signs of vision problems. You should not delay in consulting with cornea doctors Oklahoma to treat any potential vision issues early.



8.               Use Adequate Lighting

Good lighting is essential when your child is reading, doing homework, or using digital devices. Make sure their study area is well-lit to prevent eye strain. You can avoid glare from screens by adjusting the brightness and positioning them at an appropriate angle.



9.               Buy Them a Pair of Sunglasses

Over time, ultraviolet (UV) rays can damage your child's eyes just as they can harm their skin. Ensure your child wears sunglasses that block UV rays whenever they are outside, even on cloudy days. This will protect their eyes from potential damage caused by prolonged sun exposure.



10.         Choose the Right Eyewear

If your child needs corrective lenses, make sure they wear them as prescribed by their

cornea doctors Oklahoma. Choose durable and comfortable eyewear that fits well. For active children, consider shatterproof lenses and frames to prevent injuries during play. If your child wears contact lenses, make sure they follow their doctor’s guidelines.



Quality Eye Care From Dr. Britton and the BVA Team

At BVA Advanced Eye Care, we understand the importance of quality eye care for everyone. We provide essential eye care services to help you maintain healthy and clear vision. Our team of doctors, alongside Dr. Britton, provides expert care for various eye diseases and conditions, including:




        Macular Degeneration

        Dry Eye

        Sudden Eye Trauma

Our doctors specialize in specific fields, so you receive the highest-quality care. We would love to partner with you for your eye care needs. Contact us to schedule an appointment.