It’s now winter and well none of us would wish for plumbing troubles on top of the cold right? Particularly so if your house is old and its plumbing has been in place for decades, tiny pin-prick bleeds now could turn into a flooding nightmare later. Think of waking up one morning with a pipe leaking and with water gushing through the basement during the chilly winter season – something that is far from feeling the joy of the season, right? That is why I will always advise anyone to call an emergency plumber in Blacktown to address the issue before it gets out of hand. It means they’re able to stamp out those little problems before they snowball into something far worse and much more expensive to solve.

Winter Woes & Plumbing Emergencies

  • Frozen pipes: The greatest danger in winter. Water, for instance, increases in volume during frost and can cause pipes to burst and create severe leaking issues.

  • Hot water woes: The use of hot water in winter puts a lot of pressure on your hot water system. If you hear weird sounds or feel that the pressure is low, go get it fixed before it turns into this.

  • Blocked drains: It’s unbelievable how a single drain clean can produce such impressive results! When grease builds up, it can lead to clogs, and with frequent usage during the cold months, being precautionary is helpful.

Beyond the Burst: Preventative Measures

  • Insulate exposed pipes: Especially in places like crawl spaces or areas that are typically cold. This could go a long way in preventing the freezing of pipes and subsequent bursts.

  • Drip your taps: A slow trickle of water through a pipe can help stop water in the pipes from freezing, particularly during the night.

Remember: No one should wait for a disaster to happen! If you experience odd noises, see dripping, or have any query associated with plumbing this winter, call a reputable emergency plumber. But beyond the immediate fix, consider incorporating sustainable plumbing practices to prevent future problems and even save money in the long run. The experience of a warm, leak-free winter, peace of mind, and a contribution to a greener future – that's priceless!