Le Cameroun est divisé en dix régions : l'Adamaoua, le Centre, l'Est, l'Extrême-Nord, le Littoral, l'Ouest, le Nord, le Nord-Ouest, le Sud et le Sud-Ouest. Les paysages sont différents et variés : des montagnes, une forêt tropicale, de la savane, des plateaux, des zones presque désertiques, des zones marécageuses ; vous vous rendrez compte au fil de la découverte de ces images que le Cameroun n'a pas usurpé son surnom d'Afrique en miniature.
Cette publication, le début d’une série, met en exergue les fabuleux paysages montagneux du Cameroun
Mount Cameroon is an active volcano in the South West region of Cameroon next to the city of Buea near the Gulf of Guinea. Mount Cameroon is also known as Cameroon Mountain or Fako (the name of the higher of its two peaks) or by its indigenous name Mongo ma Ndemi ("Mountain of Greatness"). It is the highest point in sub-Saharan western and central Africa, the fourth-most prominent peak in Africa, and the 31st-most prominent in the world.
Mount Cameroon is one of Africa's largest volcanoes, rising to 4,040 meters (13,255 ft) above the coast of west Cameroon. It rises from the coast through tropical rainforest to a bare summit, which is cold, windy, and occasionally dusted with snow.
L'Adamaoua (aussi écrit Adamawa) est un massif montagneux d'Afrique de l'Ouest qui s'étend du sud-est du Nigeria au travers le centre-nord du Cameroun (région de l'Adamaoua et région du Nord) jusqu'à la République centrafricaine. Le plateau Adamaoua est la source de nombreux cours d'eau dont la Bénoué et la Sanaga.
The Lebialem Highlands, and in general, the western region of Cameroon, are vast mountainous forest areas, considered as priority conservation sites. this situation is explained by the multiplicity of landscapes from humid dense forests to savannah vegetation. However, there are global threats to wildlife such as climate change, poaching and destruction of forests for cropland requirements, which contributes to a decrease in this natural vegetation.
Les monts Atlantika sont un massif montagneux de la ligne du Cameroun situé à la frontière entre le Cameroun et le Nigeria. Ils se situent au sud-ouest des monts Mandara. Jules Verne décrit ainsi le massif dans son ouvrage Cinq semaines en ballon : « Les vastes sommets des monts Atlantika passaient par-dessus l'horizon, montagnes que nul pied européen n'a encore foulées, et dont l'altitude est estimée à treize cents toises environ. Leur pente occidentale détermine l'écoulement de toutes les eaux de cette partie de l'Afrique vers l'Océan ; ce sont les montagnes de la Lune dans cette région ».
Le mont Mbapit est un volcan du Cameroun qui culmine à près de 2 000 m d'altitude dans la région de l'Ouest, en pays Bamoun, entre Foumbot et Foumban. Son lac de cratère est une destination touristique incontournable.
Le Mont Ngan-Ha se situe dans la région de l’Adamaoua, à environ 60 km de Ngaoundéré. Il culmine à plus de 1 900 m d’altitude et se distingue par ses nombreux pics. Le Mont possède de nombreuses grottes qui ont servi de refuge au peuple Mboum durant la période coloniale. C‘est un site qui abrite de nombreuses espèces protégées, des ruisseaux, des cascades, des sentiers et des paysages somptueux. Si vous souhaiter y faire une randonnée, des guides expérimentés sont disponible pour vous accompagner.
Le mont est situé entre les arrondissements de Kouoptamo (au sud) et de Bangourain (au nord). Le mont Kogham est l'un des trois grands massifs volcaniques du département du Noun son sommet culmine à 2265 mètres d'altitude
Le mont Batcha/Batchingou est un volcan du Cameroun culminant à 2 097 m d'altitude, ce qui en fait le 16e plus haut sommet du pays1. Il fait partie de la ligne du Cameroun. Il est situé dans les villages Batcha et Batchingou, à l'Ouest du Cameroun.
Les monts Mandara sont un massif montagneux volcanique situé à la frontière entre le Cameroun et le Nigeria. Leur point culminant est le mont Oupay avec 1 494 mètres d'altitude. Les monts Mandara sont orientés nord-nord-est/sud-sud-ouest et s'étendent sur 150 km de longueur pour 70 de largeur.
Les zones accidentées forment des faisceaux entre plateaux et plaines, leur largeur ne dépassant pas 10 kilomètres. Au nord de Mokolo, se trouvent les points culminants : Oupay (1492 m) et Ziver (1412 m). Au centre, en pays Kapsiki, les altitudes des sommets varient entre 1 250 et 1 300 m. Le pic Ouroum, avec 1257 m d’altitude, au sud de Doumo, est le point culminant du sud.
Rhumsiki est l’un des endroits les plus touristiques du Nord-Cameroun. L'effet spectaculaire est créé par des surrections volcaniques (des restes de volcans dormants), des affleurements de basalte et les monts Mandara. Le plus grand (et le plus photographié…) de ces rochers est le pic Kapsiki, culminant à 1224 m.
Les monts Bamboutos sont un groupe de volcans basés sur une vague de la ligne volcanique du Cameroun. Avec 2 740 m, le mont Bamboutos est le troisième plus haut sommet du Cameroun après le mont Cameroun et le mont Oku. Les monts Bamboutos se situent sur le plateau ouest du Cameroun, fusionnant au nord avec le champ volcanique du mont Oku.
Ce grand complexe volcanique s’étend du nord-est au sud-ouest sur environ 50 km. Son point le plus haut atteint 2679 mètres sur le bord d’une caldeira de 10 km de diamètre. On estime que la lave date d’il y a 6 à 23 millions d’années.
Mount Oku, or Kilum Mountain, is the largest volcano in the Oku Massif, in the Cameroon Volcanic Line, located in the Oku region of the Western High Plateau of Cameroon. It is the second highest mountain in mainland Central Africa. The stratovolcano rises to 3,011 meters (9,879 ft) above sea level, and is cut by a large caldera. Some of the rocks have ages starting from 24.9 to 22.1 million years ago, but much more recent activity has occurred. The mountain is built of basaltic and hawaiitic lavas, succeeded by trachytes, and then by large volumes of trachytic and rhyolitic ignimbrites with a thickness of up to 1,000 m.
Le mont Manengouba est un volcan du Cameroun situé dans la région du Littoral. Il est entouré d'une épaisse forêt tropicale. Il a donné son nom à une espèce d'amphibien, le Phrynobatrachus manengoubensis. D’une altitude de 2 411 m, il s’étend dans les régions du Littoral et du Sud-Ouest.
The Bakossi Mountains are a mountain range that forms part of the Cameroon line of active and extinct volcanoes in western Cameroon, covering about 230,000 square kilometres (89,000 sq mi). The mountains lie in the regions of Littoral and the Southwest. The highest peak in this range is Mount Kupe at 2,064 metres (6,772 ft). They contain a large area of cloud forest, and have considerable ecological interest. The mountains are home to the Bakossi people.
The mountains hold the Bakossi Forest Reserve, a 5,517 square kilometres (2,130 sq mi) reserve created in 1956. In 2000, the main section of the reserve was designated a protection forest. All logging was banned and Kupe became a "strict nature reserve". The local Bakossi people participated in delineating the boundaries. The Forest Reserve in turn contains the Bakossi National Park, created by a decree in early 2008. The park covers 29,320 hectares (72,500 acres), and was justified on the basis of preserving plant diversification.
Les collines tabulaires gréseuses du mont Tinguelin dominent une grande plaine où se situent la ville de Garoua, capitale de la région du Nord-Cameroun, à une dizaine de kilomètres au sud, et la localité de Bogou, distantes d'une quinzaine de kilomètres l'une de l'autre. Les pentes du mont Tinguelin abritent des communautés de Falis.
Le col Batié est un col de montagne sur l'un des tronçons de route bitumée les plus en altitude du pays Bamiléké, à l'Ouest du Cameroun. Ici, la route nationale N5 reliant Bandjoun à Bafang est fait d'un tracé escarpé et accidentogène. Le paysage offre une vue unique sur les précipices aux bords de la route et sur la chaîne de montagnes qui domine le plateau Bamiléké à Bana.
Le rocher d’Ako’akas ou d’Ako’ okas (ako signifie gros rocher en boulou) est un site naturel remarquable. Il se présente sous la forme d’immenses parois granitiques de plus de 100 mètres de hauteur au-dessus du sol pour une altitude qui avoisine les 800 mètres. Le site est constitué de 2 pics, dont un seul est accessible à pied. Certains y pratiquent l’alpinisme, d’autres préfèrent la randonnée.
La dent de Mindif ou pic de Mindif, est un pic rocheux situé à 25 kilomètres au sud-est de Maroua au Cameroun. Située à 25 kilomètres au sud-est de Maroua, la dent de Mindif se trouve sur la commune Mindif, près de Kaélé dans la région de l'Extrême-Nord. Son altitude est estimée à 100 mètres. Le caractère abrupt du rocher et sa visibilité construisent sa réputation de point touristique.
Cameroon is divided into ten regions: Adamaoua, Centre, East, Far North, Littoral, West, North, North West, South and South West. The landscapes are different and varied: mountains, tropical forest, savannah, plateaus, almost desert areas, swampy areas; you will realise as you discover these images that Cameroon has not usurped its nickname of Africa in miniature.
This publication, the first of a series, highlights the fabulous mountainous landscapes of Cameroon
Mount Cameroon is an active volcano in the South West region of Cameroon next to the city of Buea near the Gulf of Guinea. Mount Cameroon is also known as Cameroon Mountain or Fako (the name of the higher of its two peaks) or by its indigenous name Mongo ma Ndemi ("Mountain of Greatness"). It is the highest point in sub-Saharan western and central Africa, the fourth-most prominent peak in Africa, and the 31st-most prominent in the world.
Mount Cameroon is one of Africa's largest volcanoes, rising to 4,040 meters (13,255 ft) above the coast of west Cameroon. It rises from the coast through tropical rainforest to a bare summit, which is cold, windy, and occasionally dusted with snow.
The Adamaoua (also written Adamawa) is a mountainous massif in West Africa that stretches from south-east Nigeria through north-central Cameroon (Adamaoua region and the North region) to the Central African Republic. The Adamaoua Plateau is the source of many rivers including the Benue and Sanaga.
The Lebialem Highlands, and in general, the western region of Cameroon, are vast mountainous forest areas, considered as priority conservation sites. this situation is explained by the multiplicity of landscapes from humid dense forests to savannah vegetation. However, there are global threats to wildlife such as climate change, poaching and destruction of forests for cropland requirements, which contributes to a decrease in this natural vegetation.
The Atlantika Mountains are a mountainous massif in the Cameroon line located on the border between Cameroon and Nigeria. They are located southwest of the Mandara Mountains. Jules Verne describes the massif in his book Cinq semaines en ballon: "The vast summits of the Atlantika Mountains pass over the horizon, mountains that no European foot has yet trodden, and whose altitude is estimated at about thirteen hundred toises. Their western slope determines the flow of all the waters of this part of Africa towards the Ocean; they are the mountains of the Moon in this region".
Mount Mbapit is a volcano in Cameroon that rises to an altitude of nearly 2,000 m in the western region, in Bamoun country, between Foumbot and Foumban. Its crater lake is a must-see tourist destination.
Mount Ngan-Ha is located in the Adamaoua region, about 60 km from Ngaoundéré. It reaches an altitude of more than 1,900 m and is distinguished by its many peaks. The mountain has many caves that served as a refuge for the Mboum people during the colonial period. It is a site with many protected species, streams, waterfalls, trails and beautiful scenery. If you wish to hike here, experienced guides are available to accompany you.
The mountain is located between the districts of Kouoptamo (south) and Bangourain (north). Mount Kogham is one of the three major volcanic massifs in the Noun department, with a peak altitude of 2265 metres.
Mount Batcha/Batchingou is a volcano in Cameroon with an altitude of 2,097 metres, making it the 16th highest peak in the country1 . It is part of the Cameroon line. It is located in the villages of Batcha and Batchingou, in western Cameroon.
The Mandara Mountains are a volcanic mountain range located on the border between Cameroon and Nigeria. Their highest point is Mount Oupay with an altitude of 1,494 metres. The Mandara Mountains are oriented north-north-east/south-south-west and are 150 km long and 70 km wiENAMAThe hilly areas form clusters between plateaus and plains, their width not exceeding 10 kilometres. To the north of Mokolo are the highest points: Oupay (1492 m) and Ziver (1412 m). In the centre, in Kapsiki country, the altitudes of the peaks vary between 1,250 and 1,300 m. The peak Ouroum, with 1257 m of altitude, south of Doumo, is the highest point of the south.
Rhumsiki is one of the most touristic places in North Cameroon. The spectacular effect is created by volcanic surrections (remains of dormant volcanoes), basalt outcrops and the Mandara Mountains. The largest (and most photographed...) of these rocks is the Kapsiki Peak, culminating at 1224 m.
The Bamboutos Mountains are a group of volcanoes based on a wave of the Cameroonian volcanic line. At 2,740 m, Mount Bamboutos is the third highest peak in Cameroon after Mount Cameroon and Mount Oku. The Bamboutos Mountains lie on the western plateau of Cameroon, merging to the north with the Mount Oku volcanic field.
This large volcanic complex stretches from the northeast to the southwest for about 50 km. Its highest point reaches 2679 metres on the rim of a caldera 10 km in diameter. The lava is estimated to be between 6 and 23 million years old.
Mount Oku, or Kilum Mountain, is the largest volcano in the Oku Massif, in the Cameroon Volcanic Line, located in the Oku region of the Western High Plateau of Cameroon. It is the second highest mountain in mainland Central Africa. The stratovolcano rises to 3,011 meters (9,879 ft) above sea level, and is cut by a large caldera. Some of the rocks have ages starting from 24.9 to 22.1 million years ago, but much more recent activity has occurred. The mountain is built of basaltic and hawaiitic lavas, succeeded by trachytes, and then by large volumes of trachytic and rhyolitic ignimbrites with a thickness of up to 1,000 m.
Mount Manengouba is a volcano in Cameroon located in the Littoral region. It is surrounded by a thick tropical forest. It has given its name to a species of amphibian, the Phrynobatrachus manengoubensis. With an altitude of 2,411 m, it extends into the Littoral and South-West regions.
The Bakossi Mountains are a mountain range that forms part of the Cameroon line of active and extinct volcanoes in western Cameroon, covering about 230,000 square kilometres (89,000 sq mi). The mountains lie in the regions of Littoral and the Southwest. The highest peak in this range is Mount Kupe at 2,064 metres (6,772 ft). They contain a large area of cloud forest, and have considerable ecological interest. The mountains are home to the Bakossi people.
The mountains hold the Bakossi Forest Reserve, a 5,517 square kilometres (2,130 sq mi) reserve created in 1956. In 2000, the main section of the reserve was designated a protection forest. All logging was banned and Kupe became a "strict nature reserve". The local Bakossi people participated in delineating the boundaries. The Forest Reserve in turn contains the Bakossi National Park, created by a decree in early 2008. The park covers 29,320 hectares (72,500 acres), and was justified on the basis of preserving plant diversification.
The tabular sandstone hills of Mount Tinguelin dominate a large plain where the town of Garoua, capital of the North Cameroon region, is located, some ten kilometres to the south, and the town of Bogou, some fifteen kilometres apart. The slopes of Mount Tinguelin are home to Falis communities.
The Batié Pass is a mountain pass on one of the highest stretches of asphalt road in Bamileke country in western Cameroon. Here, the N5 national road linking Bandjoun to Bafang is steep and accident-prone. The landscape offers a unique view of the precipices along the road and the mountain range that dominates the Bamiléké plateau at Bana.
The Ako'akas or Ako' okas rock (ako means big rock in Boulou) is a remarkable natural site. It takes the form of immense granite walls more than 100 metres high above the ground at an altitude of around 800 metres. The site consists of 2 peaks, only one of which is accessible on foot. Some people practice mountaineering here, others prefer hiking.
Mindif tooth or Mindif peak, is a rocky peak located 25 kilometres south-east of Maroua in Cameroon. Located 25 kilometres south-east of Maroua, the Mindif tooth is in the Mindif commune, near Kaélé in the Far North region. Its altitude is estimated at 100 metres. The steepness of the rock and its visibility have made it a popular tourist attraction.
The rugged areas form clusters between plateaus and plains, their width not exceeding 10 kilometres. To the north of Mokolo are the highest points: Oupay (1492 m) and Ziver (1412 m). In the centre, in Kapsiki country, the altitudes of the peaks vary between 1,250 and 1,300 m. The peak Ouroum, with 1257 m of altitude, south of Doumo, is the highest point of the south.
Rhumsiki is one of the most touristic places in North Cameroon. The spectacular effect is created by volcanic surrections (remains of dormant volcanoes), basalt outcrops and the Mandara Mountains. The largest
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