Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, affects millions of people worldwide, yet its consequences often go unnoticed until significant damage has occurred. This habitual clenching and grinding of teeth can lead to various dental issues, one of the most insidious being shifting teeth.“Can Teeth Grinding Move Teeth?

What is Bruxism?

Bruxism refers to the involuntary grinding, gnashing, or clenching of teeth, typically during sleep. While occasional teeth grinding may not cause harm, habitual bruxism can result in serious dental problems over time.

How Does Bruxism Cause Shifting Teeth?

The constant pressure and friction exerted on teeth during grinding can gradually wear down tooth enamel and alter their position. Here’s how:

1. Enamel Erosion:

The outer layer of teeth, enamel, is gradually worn away by the repetitive motion of grinding. As enamel thins, teeth become more susceptible to shifting.

2. Microfractures:

Intense grinding creates microscopic fractures in teeth, weakening their structural integrity and making them prone to movement.

3. Gum Recession:

Bruxism can lead to gum recession, exposing the roots of teeth and further destabilizing their position.

Signs and Symptoms of Bruxism

Identifying bruxism early can help prevent complications like shifting teeth. Look out for these common signs:

  • Teeth Sensitivity: Increased sensitivity to hot, cold, or sweet foods can indicate enamel erosion.
  • Jaw Pain: Persistent soreness or pain in the jaw, especially upon waking, is a frequent symptom.
  • Headaches: Bruxism often causes tension headaches, particularly in the temples.
  • Audible Grinding: Grinding noises during sleep reported by a bed partner.

Treating Bruxism to Prevent Shifting Teeth

Early intervention is crucial in managing bruxism and preventing dental complications. Effective treatments include:

1. Night Guards:

Custom-fitted night guards provide a protective barrier between teeth, minimizing the impact of grinding.

2. Stress Management:

Since stress often exacerbates bruxism, stress-reduction techniques such as meditation or therapy can be beneficial.

3. Dental Corrections:

In severe cases where teeth shifting has already occurred, dental procedures like braces or retainers may be necessary to realign teeth.


Teeth grinding is not merely a harmless habit but a potential cause of significant dental issues like shifting teeth. By understanding the impact of bruxism and recognizing its early signs, individuals can take proactive steps to protect their dental health. Prompt diagnosis, coupled with appropriate treatment, can mitigate the effects of bruxism and preserve a healthy smile for years to come.