An educational scholarship in Singapore is a highly sought after requirement because of the high quality of the academics there. It is also both a great cultural hub and the west in the east. Opportunities are endless and thus most young students wish to move there to advance in academics or to start a professional career.

However, it can be slightly expensive since the value of the Singaporean Dollar is relatively high as compared to many neighbouring nations. For example, if you wish to move to Singapore from India then you would need to spend 55 INR to get yourself a single Singaporean Dollar. So all students should know how to apply for scholarships if they think they can win one.

Initial Research

First of all, do a whole lot of research on who provides scholarships in a country like Singapore in the first place. The government surely provides ample scholarships but so do national and international schools in Singapore. Use the internet to your advantage and make a list of the primary schools you are targeting. You could even search according to the location of the school you want to take admission in. For example, GIIS (Global Indian International School) in Punggol is one such international school in Singapore which provides a diverse range of scholarships right from nursery to high school. Instead of doing all the manual work yourself, you could also approach an education consultancy who will locate the right school for you to apply to.

Once you have made your list of target schools for your educational scholarship, you need to check their eligibility. Of course, they will require a high score in your previous academic performances and will also need you to be a citizen of Singapore, be it resident or PR. Once you filter out scholarships and colleges based on your initial eligibility, then you may start preparing further by assorting relevant documents for you to upload online. After that happens you must wait for it to process and in the meanwhile be ready for any interview or mock test if they decide that they need more assurances.

Additional Tips

Be also prepared to write SOPs or Statement of Purposes so be the need. This helps institutions to see how dedicated you are in your reason for applying for the scholarship. At this point, making a calendar may seem very beneficial in order to keep a track of all the scholarships you have applied to and are expecting a call from.

While you wait, try to familiarise yourself about the education system in Singapore by reading on the most common boards and examinations. This may prove majorly helpful even for the interview in case you are called for one. Singapore has boards like the CBSE, IGCSE, IBDP, CSLP, etc which shows that you can choose from a wide range depending on the career path that you have planned on. In fact, it is vital that you think this through so that you feel less confused by your new foray.

That is about it. The bottomline is that breakdown all these steps into small tasks and you will find yourself on the other side of the bridge in no time.