
PC hollow sheets, made from polycarbonate, are rapidly becoming a popular choice in various industries due to their unique properties and versatile applications. These sheets offer a remarkable combination of strength, lightweight, and transparency, making them suitable for a range of uses from construction to advertising. As more Hollow Sheet Manufacturers innovate and enhance these products, their advantages continue to grow, making them a preferred material over traditional alternatives like glass and acrylic.

What are PC hollow sheets?

PC hollow sheets are extruded from polycarbonate, a high-performance thermoplastic known for its exceptional durability and optical clarity. These sheets feature a hollow structure, usually comprising two or more layers with air spaces between them. This design not only reduces weight but also enhances thermal insulation and impact resistance. Available in various thicknesses, colors, and surface finishes, PC hollow sheets cater to diverse requirements across different sectors.

Advantages of PC hollow sheets

Lightweight yet strong:
One of the most notable advantages of PC hollow sheets is their strength-to-weight ratio. Despite being significantly lighter than glass, they possess comparable, if not superior, strength. This makes handling, transportation, and installation easier and more cost-effective.

Excellent thermal insulation:
The hollow structure of these sheets creates air pockets that significantly enhance their thermal insulation properties. This helps in maintaining stable indoor temperatures, reducing the need for additional heating or cooling and thus saving energy costs.

High impact resistance:
Polycarbonate is known for its toughness, and PC hollow sheets are no exception. They can withstand high impact without shattering, making them ideal for areas prone to heavy use or potential vandalism. This property also ensures safety in applications like skylights and canopies.

UV protection:
Many PC Hollow Sheet Price are coated with UV protective layers that prevent harmful ultraviolet rays from passing through. This not only protects the sheets themselves from yellowing and degradation but also safeguards the interiors and occupants of buildings from UV exposure.

Versatility in applications:
The adaptability of PC hollow sheets is one of their greatest strengths. They are used in a variety of applications, including roofing, cladding, greenhouses, advertising panels, and sound barriers. Their ability to be easily cut, bent, and shaped further expands their range of uses.


In the construction industry, PC hollow sheets are prized for their combination of durability and lightweight. They are frequently used for roofing, skylights, and wall cladding due to their high impact resistance and excellent insulation properties. Their ease of installation reduces labor costs and project timelines.

For agricultural applications, particularly in greenhouses, PC hollow sheets provide optimal growing conditions by allowing adequate light transmission while maintaining a stable internal temperature. Their UV resistance helps in protecting plants from harmful rays, promoting healthier growth.

In the advertising sector, the lightweight and durable nature of PC hollow sheets make them ideal for signage and billboards. They are easy to print on, cut, and shape, allowing for creative and eye-catching designs. Their resistance to weathering ensures longevity, even in outdoor conditions.


PC Hollow Sheet Polycarbonate represent a remarkable advancement in material science, offering a host of advantages over traditional materials like glass and acrylic. Their lightweight, strength, thermal insulation, impact resistance, and versatility make them suitable for a wide range of applications across different industries. While the initial hollow sheet price might be higher compared to some alternatives, the long-term benefits and cost savings make them a wise investment.


Q1: What are the main uses of PC hollow sheets?
A1: PC hollow sheets are commonly used in construction for roofing, skylights, and wall cladding; in agriculture for greenhouses; and in advertising for signage and billboards.

Q2: How do PC hollow sheets compare to glass?
A2: PC hollow sheets are lighter, stronger, and offer better thermal insulation than glass. They also provide excellent impact resistance and are safer as they do not shatter.

Q3: Can PC hollow sheets be cut and shaped easily?
A3: Yes, PC hollow sheets can be easily cut, bent, and shaped, allowing for flexibility in various applications.