Below are some tips to help you choose an online reputation management service that is best for your business.

Determine your needs and goals.

Get a clear picture of your specific goals before you start looking for an online reputation management service. Is your main goal to monitor and improve your online presence? Do you want to clean up your social media channels? Are you more concerned about your SEO ranking? Do you need help sourcing and managing online reviews? Businesses' goals vary, as do the services Online Reputation Repair firms specialize in. Therefore, be clear about your goals before contacting companies.

Think about customer service.

When you first contact a company, analyze how they treat you. Do the employees seem genuinely interested in working with you? Do they ask questions to better understand your needs, or are they just trying to sell you something and not really listening to you or your concerns?

Ask who you will be working with when you engage the company. Will you have your own project manager as your point of contact? Or will you have to call a main number and talk to someone who doesn't fully know your company and how to work on your campaigns?


When you choose a vendor, they should always be transparent and informative about your campaigns. You want a service that will provide you with honest feedback, keep you updated on the progress of your campaign, and show you that you are a valued customer.

do your research.

As part of your research, don't just check to see if the company avoids so-called "black-hat" practices; these are unethical SEO tactics that can hurt your online search rankings.

Google the company to see what others are saying. Also, ask for a list of the company's clients and contact them to find out firsthand what their experience has been working with this company.

Last, take a look at the company's website. Does it look professional? Does it contain information about the senior executives? If so, research the executives to see if they have a positive online image.