The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that support the organs in your pelvis, like your bladder and bowels. Sometimes these muscles can get weak or tight, which can cause problems like leaking or pain. Pelvic floor therapy helps to strengthen and relax these muscles.

Where to Get Help

If you're a man looking for male pelvic floor therapy near me, District Performance & Physio is a great option. They offer special therapy just for men to help with pelvic floor issues.

Who Needs Pelvic Floor Therapy?

Both men and women can benefit from pelvic floor therapy. For men, it can help with problems like leaking urine, constipation, or pain in the pelvic area. It's also helpful after certain surgeries or if you have conditions like prostate problems.

What Happens During Therapy?

During male pelvic floor therapy near me in Washington D.C. the physical therapist will first talk to you about your symptoms and do an examination. They might use special tools to check the strength of your pelvic floor muscles.

Your Treatment Plan

The physical therapist will then create a plan to help with your male pelvic floor therapy near me. This might include exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor, along with other treatments like biofeedback or electrical stimulation.

Following Your Plan

It's important to follow your physical therapist's instructions and do your exercises regularly. This will help improve your pelvic floor muscles and reduce any leaking, pain, or other problems you might be having.

Don't Be Embarrassed

Pelvic floor issues can be embarrassing, but they're actually very common, especially as we get older. Don't be afraid to seek help. The physical therapists are there to support you and help you feel better.

Get Help at District Performance & Physio

If you're looking for male pelvic floor therapy near me in the Washington, D.C. area, District Performance & Physio is a great choice. Their caring and experienced staff will work with you to improve your pelvic floor health.