This section helps convince the readers that your research is useful and has a meaningful contribution to your specific field.

Preparing the research methodology is a pivotal step when you're working on your dissertation, opine the assignment help experts online. This section helps convince the readers that your research is useful and has a meaningful contribution to your specific field.

Now, working on this section can get a little overwhelming if you’re not entirely clear about what you’re supposed to do. With that thought, we have curated a list of ideas straight from the experts on dissertation writing services online.

  1. Determine your overall methodological approach

The approach for your research will either be quantitative or qualitative. Sometimes, you may also combine both these approaches. Explain why you chose your approach. This is the step that the homework help experts never miss while writing the research methodology section.

If you want to research and record measurable social trends or assess the impact of a policy on various variables, using a quantitative approach would be appropriate. If you want to assess people's understanding of a particular issue, opt for a qualitative approach.

  1. Describe the selection criteria for data collection

If you're gathering primary data, you’ll have to set eligibility parameters. Mention those parameters properly and allow your readers to know why you set those parameters and how they’re crucial to your research.

Elaborate on the study participants specifically and mention any inclusion or exclusion criteria you used when creating the group of participants. Justify the sample size, if applicable, and explain how this affects whether your study can be generalized to larger populations.

  1. Determine how you collected your data

This part of your methodology section explains to your readers when and where you carried out your research. It also elaborates what general parameters were put into place to determine the relative objectivity of your results.

Incorporate sufficient detail so that your study can be useful to others in your field, even if they may not achieve the same results you did. 

  1. Check how your evaluation answers your research questions

Connect your methodology back to your actual research questions and prepare a proposed outcome depending on your analysis. Determine specifically what your findings will disclose about your research questions.

If in addressing your research questions, your findings have pointed to other questions that may require additional research, mention these briefly. You can also incorporate any limitations to your methods, or questions that weren't addressed through your research.

Using these ideas, you’ll be able to present a flawless research methodology section.