Both problems of erectile dysfunction and premature withdrawal can be treated effectively with an FDA approved medication called Super P Force Jelly. It comprises of two powerful components – Sildenafil Citrate (100 mg) and Dapoxetine (60mg). While the first element promotes a health supply of blood to the male genitalia and ensures a strong and long lasting erection, the latter sustains that erection and delays untimely discharge so that men last long in bed.

This medication is available in jelly form and is extremely easy to use. Men just have to tear open the sachet and pour the contents in their mouth with the assistance of a spoon. The onset of Super P Force jelly starts within 20 minutes after ingestion and stays effective in the system of males for the next 4 hours.

Only one sachet should be taken in a day and that, too, before the planned love making session. Under no circumstances should an individual consume double dose of it. As long as you are taking this medication, just limit your daily consumption of liquor or smoking as that can delay the effectiveness of the medicine.

Males hypersensitive to the use of Sildenafil Citrate or Dapoxetine should stay away from its consumption. Super P Force jelly 160 mg may not suit males who have serious complications of heart or kidney. Males with serious ailments of lung or liver must meet their health care expert prior to its utilization. History of glaucoma, hypertension or diabetes must be revealed to your physician before the start of first dose.

Nitrates or other erection enhancing medications should never be consumed along with it. And lastly, this medication is not meant for males below the age of 18. Impotent males can buy Super P Force Jelly over the counter to conquer ED and PE.