Reminder: Do not request personal info, indicate someone ought to be doxxed, connect to or comment with personal information, publicly solicit private information, or contact the Animal Crossing Items people featured here. Do not even wax poetic about needing to post identifying information. You will be prohibited. "Did you just assume my species?!?!? I'm half-firbolg and half-halfling but identify as the latter since I was raised with that side of the household, not that it is any of your business you stereotyping bigot!"

Are you questioning my charisma just because of my individuality? You know that rolling for charisma is ableist don't you? Some individuals have social anxiety that does not let them have a high CHA mod. YOU ARE A PIG. I bet you are a straight white male also. Racist.

Legit case in one of the Pokemon games too. You choose the girl character because her character is very....girly lmao so she does lots of extra cutesy wootsy bullshit that takes up time when she's an NPC. The man character is very stoic in contrast and cuts out all the excess stuff.That's just the kind of thing that's ruining D&D right now, you joke about it people are legitimately fighting for Orc rights. The very concept of owning a race which leans towards evil alignment in a universe where orientation is enforced and important by magic that exists in world is racist.

Were they say they are eliminating'race' for following entries because iT wAs rAcIsT? You pick your own today so that you may be a powerful elf or an intelligent orc.

They did not really even eliminate racial bonusesthey just gave you the choice to alter them if you would like.

The thing is, people could have been doing this anyway, but now it's from the rules for 5e. If people don't desire bad orcs, they can just not have evil orcs in their campaign, it is so simple.I listen to Not Another D&D Podcast and their campaign two exists in a world where interbreeding has been something for millenia, so there are no"races". Every being is a multitude of different racial aspects.

For player characters it let the players pick one civic"class" while having their character look however the want, and all beings are extremely"human-monster hybrid".

Eg. Emily's PC, Fia, is portrayed as being violet peeled and fanged, marginally"orcish" in her face but extended and cheap Animal Crossing New Horizons Items gangly elven physique. It is a mishmash of different descriptions that works good with a"look how you want, but employ a race's attributes".