The traditional way of correcting refractive errors is by wearing prescription lenses. Contact lenses and eyeglasses are quite inexpensive and easy to carry around, but these visual aids can be quite restrictive, so some people find them to be a hassle. 

Eyeglasses, for instance, can be inconvenient for those who perform strenuous activities or engage in contact sports. Contact lenses, meanwhile, are extremely fragile as they can easily get torn. They are also small, so the chances of losing them are high. Their maintenance can be quite troubling, too, since they need to be cleaned regularly, along with their case, to avoid infection. 

An alternative to using prescription lenses is undergoing surgery. LASIK, PRK, ICL, and other refractive procedures are available to some patients, but the downside is that they can be quite costly. This means they might be inaccessible to some people, especially those who do not have the means to pay for them.

There are many factors that affect the cost of ortho-k contact lenses. However, even if the treatment can be expensive, there are still many people who choose to get it because of how beneficial it is. It is perfect for those who regularly do strenuous activities and engage in contact sports. Doctors sometimes also recommend it to people who no longer want to wear glasses or contact lenses.

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