In recent years, the concept of housecalls Oklahoma has seen a resurgence, offering a blend of convenience and personalized care that many patients prefer. Understanding that quality medical care should not be limited by location, nurses and other healthcare providers are now offering quality care through housecalls. With this approach, professional healthcare is available right where you are most comfortable—your own home.



The History of Housecalls Oklahoma

Housecalls were the primary method of healthcare delivery until the mid-20th century. Doctors and nurses routinely visited patients in their homes. However, as medical technology advanced, the need for sophisticated equipment often necessitated visits to clinics and hospitals, leading to a decline in home visits.

The COVID-19 pandemic shifted this once again, emphasizing the value of minimizing exposure in communal healthcare settings. This led to a renewed need for housecalls. Today, nurses and other healthcare providers are equipped with medical expertise and portable medical technology that allows them to provide comprehensive care in the comfort of a patient's home.



Housecalls Are Helpful Because:

        They are convenient. Housecalls eliminate the need to travel, which is particularly helpful for individuals with mobility issues or who are time-constrained.

        They are personalized. The care you receive is personalized and private in the comfort of your own home. Nurses can take the time to understand your unique health needs and preferences, which is often challenging in a busy clinic environment.

        They reduce exposure to illnesses. Receiving care at home minimizes your exposure to other potentially sick patients and reduces the risk of getting others sick if you are not feeling well.

        They are flexible. Housecalls are scheduled at your convenience, fitting around your personal and professional life without the hassle of waiting room delays.



What Can Nurses Address During Mobile Visits?

The services that nurses and other healthcare professionals offer during a housecall can vary depending on the providers. At NP2GO, our nurses can address various conditions during a


mobile visit, including:




Dehydration can result from various issues, from the flu to hangovers. If you need to be hydrated by means that go beyond drinking water, an NP2GO provider will evaluate your symptoms and determine if IV fluids OKC can best meet your needs. Once the nurse arrives at your home, the IV will be administered, and you can sit back and relax.



Cold and Flu Symptoms

Illnesses like the cold and flu can wreak havoc on your body, resulting in various unpleasant symptoms like cough, sore throat, and fever. During a mobile visit, an NP2GO provider can assess your condition and provide the best course of treatment that may help get you back on your feet.



Skin Issues

Whether you are having an allergic reaction, insect bite, or infection, a provider can assess your rash or infection during housecalls Oklahoma and advise on an appropriate treatment plan.



Non-Life Threatening Injuries

A mobile visit is perfect for non-life-threatening injuries like minor cuts, burns, and sprains. By having an NP2GO nurse come to your home for minor injuries, you can avoid unnecessary and costly visits to the emergency room.



What About Telemedicine Oklahoma?

If a house call is not ideal for your needs, telemedicine is another option that allows you to receive quality care from a healthcare professional without leaving your home. Telemedicine Oklahoma from NP2GO can address various illnesses and conditions, as well as your weight loss and weight management needs.



NP2GO: Your Provider For Housecalls and Virtual Visits

Our team at NP2GO is proud to offer personalized and compassionate care through housecalls, virtual visits, and in-office visits for those in the OKC Metro. Our services are designed to be flexible and patient-focused. Whether addressing skin conditions,


administering IV fluids OKC, or discussing weight